Hiding location in Chapter 9 for Yakuza 0 - Xbox One

yakuza 0 chapter 9 lay low

yakuza 0 chapter 9 lay low - win

Yakuza 5 is great, but it's way too long.

I'm currently replaying this game on my PS4 for the first time since the (localised) PS3 version a few years back. I'm enjoying it a lot, I've had a lot of fun revisiting the PS3-era Yakuza games in this collection since those were the ones I started with. Yakuza 5 is probably the best of the bunch and I'd happily rank it highly in the series.
Probably the most notable thing about the game is that it is far and away the biggest and longest game in the series - most Yakuza games only have one or two cities at most (Kamurocho always being one of them) and take around 15-20 hours to beat the story, some like 0 and Judgment taking closer to 30. That's assuming you focus on the main story with a handful of side activities sprinkled throughout. Yakuza 5 on the other hand has five cities, five playable characters and even if you're mostly mainlining it, the story can last you about 50 hours.
On paper having a long game with a ton of content isn't a bad thing at all, if the story is compelling then I say have at it. And for the most part, the story is pretty good. It's full of the betrayals, alliances, deceptions and drama you'd expect from any Yakuza game, and while there are some silly moments and the odd contrived coincidence, when you're in the moment seeing your character laying the smack down on self-righteous pricks, it's electrifying.
Like Yakuza 4, each character has their own part which is further split into chapters, but this time they're all set in different parts of Japan rather than just Tokyo. You start with Kiryu who has now become a taxi driver working in Fukuoka. It's not long before he ends up dragging back into the world of crime again. Since Kiryu was the last character you played as in Yakuza 4, it's good to begin the game with him this time.
After that you have Saejima who was introduced in Yakuza 4, and following the events of that game he's back in prison. His section of the game is a bit of a low point since you have to spend the first third of it in prison, which is kinda boring because of how restricted it obviously would be. After that you end up in a mountain village where you have to go hunting a couple of times, and eventually you travel to Sapporo, where you get some semblance of freedom, but it doesn't last super long. It's not terrible by any stretch, but it's notably very linear and on rails even for Yakuza standards. You fight a giant bear with your fists at one point, so, there's that.
Then we travel to Osaka (returning from Yakuza 2 and later seen in Yakuza 0) where we play as Haruka for the first time, and Akiyama who is also returning from 4. While Akiyama's gameplay is pretty typical for any other Yakuza protag, playing as Haruka is totally different because there are no combat encounters and instead you engage with opponents (mostly teenage girls) in rhythm game dance battles. This part of the game is definitely a bit "wait until you're home alone before playing" but it's honestly fun and refreshing to see the game world from a different perspective.
By the time you've finished part 3, you've probably put around 25-30 hours into the game, more if you spent a lot of time on side content, and most Yakuza games would be over by now. But you're still only about 60-ish % of the way through the story and you might be wondering when we're going to get to Tokyo (the end of each character's chapter has them deciding they need to travel to Tokyo to get to the bottom of whatever mystery they're wrapped up in).
It's at this point that the game decides to throw you in the shoes of Shinada, a brand new character. He's a former baseball star who was suspiciously banned from the sport and some 20 years later makes chump change writing for dirty magazines while avoiding his landlord and loan sharks. He's not a bad character, but after spending so long with the previous four, I was really ready to see the story reaching its conclusion. Kiryu's been the lead character since day one, Akiyama and Saejima were in 4 so we already know a good deal about them, and Haruka has been with us since the first game so naturally we're quite attached to her. You're naturally more inclined to want to see where their stories go.
Adding a new character into the mix isn't a bad idea but I feel like it happens way too late in the game. Not only are we still waiting on the conclusions to three other stories (that so far are only marginally linked and have their own sets of twists and conspiracies we're eagerly waiting for updates on), we now have to sit through a brand new guy's entire origin story, character development, and see how he fits into everything, and it's kind of exhausting. While his story is technically relevant to the overall plot, it's not until later that it really becomes apparent, and even then... it's not quite as strongly connected as the others, by virtue of him being kind of a nobody instead of a yakuza legend or related to a clan member. I'm tempted to say he probably could have been removed completely, but maybe that's unfair.
Another reason I think this approach is a little flawed is that each time you move on to a new character, you effectively revert to nothing in terms of upgrades and abilities. Each character starts at level 1 with no abilities unlocked, and thus the game's difficulty doesn't really escalate much until the final chapter. The bosses you fight 40 hours into the game aren't much harder than the ones you fight 5 hours in, because they have to accomodate you playing as character who has a different fighting style and probably doesn't have many moves unlocked. There's this stop-and-reset feel to it rather than a smooth increase in difficulty as you progress.
I think what makes this worse than the Yakuza 0 method (where you'd alternate between Kiryu and Majima every two chapters, spending maybe 3-5 hours with each before swapping) is that each part takes place one after the other, they all last probably 8-10 hours (compared to Yakuza 4 which is probably half that), and until the finale when all the pieces come together, they're all stories that involve their own unique set of characters and circumstances with very little overlap. So in each section you're being introduced to new people often and being given new information, new plot points and new twists, but they don't really pay off until the end of the game - and the longer you play, the more likely you'll forget things. It's not always easy to remember which Asian man in a suit is which, and some of the impact is lost when you go some 30 or 40 hours without seeing a character.
In Yakuza 0 you had the story split into two sections, each with its own small cast that you would jump back and forth between, and seeing it all slowly come together was very satisfying. You never spent too long with one character, and you were almost given just the right amount of story development and answers each time to keep you hooked.
Since this game has probably the most complicated plot in a Yakuza title, I found myself getting lost a few times. There is a section on the pause menu where you can read up on characters, but it's not very detailed and you can only read about characters who are present in that particular part of the game, so if you want to remind yourself what happened earlier you'll have to resort to Wikipedia or something. Naturally with the game being as long as it is, you might be playing it over several weeks if you're not someone who plays a lot, which can make things harder to keep track of.
For this reason it'd probably be better to beeline it for the main story objective whenever possible and finish it quickly, but it's a shame to miss out on the side content because a lot of it is really enjoyable and also beneficial to take part in, and it's not until the finale chapter that you regain access to that stuff - once you've cleared a character's part, it's on to the next and you can't go back until the end.
In terms of being an actual package, Yakuza 5 is undoubtedly one of the series highlights - the scope is huge, the combat is some of the best in the series and the amount of variety on offer is impressive. When the story works, it works. However, the structure of the game and its nature of being split into five parts can actually be something of a hindrance to its momentum.
submitted by greg225 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

[Excalibur] - Part 38

Hey guys, sorry for the long delay. I'm back in the UK now, finally.
I don't think this chapter is the strongest, but I wanted to put something out there for you guys, and I feel like if I don't post it now, I won't ever. Just need to start getting stuff out there again.
Hope you enjoy it anyway!
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A single, remaining gauntlet clung to Excalibur, the blade hanging from Jesse’s loose grip like a broken limb. Her eyes blurred and refocused as the gushing circle before her pulsed, the rhythmic cycle seeming to drain her energy deep into its black abyss.
Screams of the soldiers faded as Merlin's rampaging monsters finished their bloody work at the far end of the square, beyond where he stood. Clouds loomed dark again as the pillars of light closed where the planes had plummeted through to the city below, pockets of orange light seeping up through the cityscape to mark their final destinations. Ash and smoke hung heavy on the acrid breeze, pink sakura petals sparkling amidst the fiery embers drifting past, hanging on the distorted notes of music spilling through the hole.
Goemon was beside Jesse, sword raised, staring at the sitting form of Okamoto only metres away, blade cradled in his lap as he stared into nothingness, the magnificent castle crumbled behind him.
No one moved. No one dared.
Jesse wasn’t sure she could.
Eyes wide and watching through the dying flames of the helicopter wreckage, Merlin’s focus was fixed on the chasm ten metres ahead of her.
Watching. Waiting. An eyebrow twitched.
As if on cue, a light rushed to the surface and exploded through, smoke-like clouds spitting out to the ground before sucking back with a screaming gasp of air, the ground shuddering at the impact.
A monstrous man was revealed in its wake, knelt and glowing red in patches of hot muscle and skin, seams between them bright, as if all the ill-fitting pieces had been sewn together with burning metal stitches.
It was like Frankenstein had a baby with the hulk, Jesse thought as she stared.
His expression was blank, his shaven head glistening with sweat dripping down to a rugged face and stubbly beard. Tired pale-eyes came to rest on Excalibur and Jesse, a frown forging over his brow.
“Forgive me,” he said, as he rose to his full height and took a single step toward her.
Goemon positioned himself between her and the giant, flicking a careful look back to Okamoto. The Yakuza boss grabbed the hilt of his sword.
“The girl is mine,” he claimed as he stood, his voice buzzing as purple wisps trailed down his sword and over his arms.
The newcomer glanced between Goemon and Okamoto, to their swords, and then settled on Jesse once more. Clenching his fists, he took another step, undeterred. Goemon spread his stance.
“Bedivere?” Merlin suddenly called out, child-like tones and earth-shattering lows echoing together in a haunting cry. The man paused.
Slowly he turned, his gaze taking in the demonic form of Merlin and the carnage strewn around him, the destroyed grounds and ruined city beyond. The wizard’s hand rose, and with a single leap, the giant bounded back into the void and disappeared, the surface rippling and swelling to its edge.
“Give me the sword, before it is too late,” Okamoto said, turning to face them, his injuries gone.
“You can have the sword, once we impale it through your chest.” Goemon said.
Okamoto snarled, his gaze drawn to Merlin, uncertainty lingering in his eyes.
Silence stretched as they stood amongst the ruins, destruction and death, Merlin unmoving save for the hair floating at his shoulders, his focus concentrated on what now seemed to be a portal.
Lights danced in the shimmering surface once more. Okamoto and Goemon turned, blades at the ready.
Two forms crashed through. As they materialised from the portal's smoky embrace, Bedivere, as Merlin had called him, was now accompanied by one of the most beautiful women Jesse had ever seen.
Like a pearl moon, flawless white skin contrasted against a dress as black as the portal itself. From a model-like face with high cheekbones and petite nose, shined bright red eyes, almost venomous in their deep crimson depths, paired in colour with pert, full lips.
In her hand was a long, golden sceptre, its tip crowned with a glistening jewel, the colour and size of a heart.
Merlin mumbled something incoherent, a heavy foot shaking the ground as he stumbled forward, his gaze upon the lady.
“Stand back, Bedivere,” the woman said, her voice silky and layered as she closed her eyes and began to move her sceptre through the air, “let us hope I have saved enough for this.”
Merlin edged closer.
“I would hurry, Domitia,” Bedivere said as he obeyed her, allowing a line of sight to the wizard.
The woman's eyes flicked open, the violet red spreading to devour the white, as if blood leaking into a white sea. Violent wind swept around her, the heart like jewel at the staff’s tip beating to life and igniting like a fire stoked by the gusting air. Jesse held onto Goemon’s feathered arm. The ground shook.
As if finally allowing herself to look, the woman turned and lowered the sceptre's tip toward Merlin. The wizard’s eyes widened, an eyebrow raised.
"Greetings, Merlin,” she said.
A blast of red-heat and light ripped through from the sceptre, past Jesse and Goemon, over the wreckage and towards Merlin. He raised an arm to block the strike, but the laser-like beam engulfed it, splitting off and wrapping around his body and limbs before latching into the ground, binding and tight.
Merlin appraised the ropes of energy, muscles flexing and swelling as he pulled, the lines pulsing and growing larger with his efforts.
“Domitia..,” he rumbled, his huge eyes narrowing, his voice uncertain and strained, “why?”
Domitia sagged against Bedivere, a mere child against his bulk.
“That should hold him, for now,” she gasped, ignoring the question as she regained her footing.
Jesse looked on in awe; had this strange lady subdued Merlin in mere seconds? Just who was she?
A breeze of cold air whistled towards the portal. Domitia and Bedivere turned, Domitia’s gaze locked on Merlin until she finally ripped it away, bowing her head low along with the giant beside her.
Jesse staggered. Her stomach lurched, as if something was pulling at it with a huge and dangling weight.
“Master…,”: said Excalibur, it's voice faint, as if stuck down a deep well.
A jewelled-crown emerged from the billowing mix as it gushed forth, followed by iceberg-blue eyes staring directly at Jesse as they pierced through the wisps. A long red-cape and silver armour covered a tall body, blonde hair falling to wide shoulders.
“Arthur?” moaned Merlin, his movements to free himself ceasing.
Arthur. King Arthur.
How is he still alive?
The king only spared Merlin a glance before returning his glare to Jesse, a smile breaking over lips partially hidden by a neat golden beard around a youthful face. His gaze fell to the broken form of Excalibur and Jesse’s shrinking gauntlet. The smile disappeared. Jesse felt a cold aura wash over her as Arthur’s eyes narrowed, as if she had been plunged into an ice-covered lake.
“What have you done?” he spoke, his voice low and menacing. A strangely curved sword shuddered in his grip.
Fear shot through Jesse. He was here for Excalibur. And the grim reality was, Goemon was all that stood in his way.
Jesse wanted to run. She wanted to cry. Why was this all happening to her. Why?
Anger flushed through her as she fought back tears, all the emotions she had kept under control bustling to the surface at the sight of this man, a man of fairy tale, a man who was meant to be a hero, a saviour of the weak.
And he was here to kill her. All Jesse had to do was look in those eyes, and she knew. A fairy tale turned nightmare.
Excalibur vibrated in protest, drawing Jesse’s attention to a feeling: an intense longing. Go to Arthur, it said, hand Excalibur to its real master.
But that would mean death. That much she knew, that much she could feel, staring into those cold and lifeless eyes.
But the sword was pulling, pulling at something that it had lost, pulling at the gaping hole through which all their energy was seeping away.
And then Jesse realised, as the flowing urges increased. The connection, like magnets being drawn together. The missing piece.
It was him.
A splitting pain entered Jesse’s head as the feeling overwhelmed her.
As if sensing a chance with the distraction of Arthur's arrival, Okamoto sprung towards Domitia. Her reactions were slow, but Bedivere was faster. Okamoto’s sword bit into the giant's arm as as it came between the target, failing to cut through the thick muscle. A thunderous blow to Okamoto’s head came in reply, sending the man toppling. Twenty yards away Okamoto recovered back to his feet, still and watching.
Bedivere’s arm bubbled as the wound disappeared. The exchange had been equal. Bedivere was strong. Okamoto did not attack again.
“Most interesting,” said Arthur, his voice deep, his pronunciation crisp and clear. Excalibur throbbed, uninvited whispers beginning to rattle through Jesse’s mind as a radio tuning in.
...evenly matched with Bedivere. Domitia must be at her limits. The girl is weak, but cannot be underestimated...the strange creature before her is infused with Excalibur’s power, or what remains of it. Merlin... is perhaps the key, especially in this...state. But whatever happens, the field needs to be divided..
It was Arthur, calm and calculating, as if somehow the connection to the missing piece had allowed her to tune into his thoughts.
The king’s gaze settled on Merlin.
“How about we continue where we left off, old friend? You and I. As it was, so shall it be again.”
“Arthur,” Merlin whispered, eyes narrowing as the King crossed the space between them, admiring the destruction, unafraid as he entered the wizard's storm-like aura blowing at his cape.
Stretching the bands of energy ensnaring him, Merlin reached, grabbing Arthur’s body in a crunch of metal, his head lowering down as he pulled his surprised captive close.
Arthur's eyes widened as they were locked in an invisible hold, his head twisting to face the wizard against his will. Flailing limbs fell still as his expression went blank.
"Show me everything!" Merlin roared. A single thread of probing light latched from his forehead to Arthur's, Jesse feeling a tug on her own consciousness as Arthur’s thoughts suddenly disappeared.
"My king!" yelled Bedivere, a blur as he rocketed over the space, unbelievably quick for his size. Domitia cast a knowing glare at Okamoto as she stepped into the air with a graceful prance, floating up to follow behind Bedivere from above.
“Pitiful,” she cursed as she passed over Jesse, disdain clear on her face.
“Bitch,” Jesse managed with a smile.
Bedivere crashed into the wall of Merlin's aura in a flash of gold, unable to break through. The wizard's chest heaved, small moans escaping his lips as the burning energies around him surged. Arthur twitched in his grip, the band of light between them growing brighter.
"Merlin! Stop this! It is Arthur!" Bedivere screamed. His feet dug into the ground as the wall of energy pushed him back.
"Leave us!" Merlin roared, his deranged face snapping out and to the side, teeth sharp and mouth stretched.
Dust began to rise from the far end of the square. Something huge crashed through the inner wall. Bedivere ceased his efforts, taking a step back. Merlin's monsters came into view.
Oh dear.
Jesse had forgotten about those.
"Domitia…" Bedivere breathed, looking up. Whatever spell the lady had been concocting faded away as she took in the horrors stampeding towards them.
Her eyes flicked to Merlin. Seconds passed as thunderous steps loomed closer.
"Domitia!" Bedivere called.
The sceptre flicked out. The ropes of light tugging at Merlin pulsed gold as the sceptres jewel spluttered, and then roared into life. Jagged lines of red etched over Domitia's face. Her eyes fluttered in a weak protest to closing as she suddenly fell, her sceptre shooting out to halt the descent just before she hit the ground.
Eyes ablaze like red stars and dress dancing around her as if alive, she rose back into the air. Casting the sceptre towards the beasts, the ground burst at their feet, halting their advance.
"Be swift, Sir Bedivere," she purred as she moved the sceptre in his direction.
Bedivere's back straightened as his muscles stretched, the seams readjusting as his bulk grew, bathed in red heat that rippled the air around him.
He nodded, taking a few steps back and then leaping over Merlin and into the fray with his creatures. Fists clasped together came down upon the beetles armoured head in the centre of the three. It caved inwards at the blow, brown gunk spurting from the edge of the crater like wound. A scaled tail then swatted Bedivere from the air.
The clang of sharp metal tore Jesse away from the spectacle. Goemon grunted, his feet grinding back against stone. Jesse shuffled back.
“Now, while those with magic play their silly games, how about we finish ours?” Okamoto spoke through gritted teeth, his blade locked against Goemon’s.
“Just what I was thinking,” Goemon snarled back.
Goemon attacked in a flurry of blows Jesse couldn’t even see. If Excalibur’s power was weakening, it was having no effect on him.
Jesse didn’t know where to look as she scrambled away, torn between the two battles rampaging at each side of the square. A cold chill rose up her spine. As if upon the cusp of a waterfall the sound of gushing water rampaged behind her.
Without knowing, she had reached the portal, and something was coming through. Again.
Jesse rolled out of the way, her heart pounding as the portal exploded past her just as Goemon let out an anguished cry.
He lay on the ground, clutching his head. Okamoto was speeding toward her.
Time seemed to slow down as he approached, aura spilling from his body as if flames pulled back by the wind, his face devoid of any emotion.
Jesse raised her broken sword.
Just as Okamoto was close enough for her to see her pathetic reflection in his near-black eyes, a man stepped in front of her, suited from his waist down below a burnt and dusty upper body shredded with muscle.
Jesse felt the impact as Okamoto slammed into him. She waited for the man to fall, for the spatter of blood to rain over her.
But the man stood firm. In his grip, Okamoto's sword hand, deflecting the evil blade away.
Okamoto grabbed at the man’s throat.
“Step aside,” he commanded.
"That tickles. Feels like...demonic power? How fortunate for me, and not so for you," the mysterious man said in a calm British accent. His hand rose, shining bright white from the palm, and slammed into Okamoto’s face.
In an explosion of white, Okamoto flew back, clutching his face and screaming as he fell to the ground metres away.
Jesse blinked.
A hand came before her face. Behind it, the man knelt, his head bowed.
“My Queen, apologies for my late arrival. I am Galahad, your most loyal knight.”
Another, rounder shadow stepped to her side.
“And...er, I’m...Mike.”
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submitted by FatDragon to FatDragon [link] [comments]

Book Hiroshi Tanahashi's Retirement - Part Eight: Must Win

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!

Now, Hiroshi Tanahashi has made his intentions clear. He may not be as physically capable as ever, he may not be the man he once was, but he's out to make the fans, his friends, his family, his allies and enemies, impressed, proud of him. He wants to show that he can still get it done by main eventing Wrestle Kingdom 16. However, he has a very tall task ahead of him, starting with a stacked B Block, one that includes the likes of Hiromu Takahashi, Will Ospreay, KENTA... and Kenny Omega, all of whom are gunning for the main event against Kota Ibushi.

G1 Climax 31, Night Two
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs KENTA
Now it's time for the rubber match between KENTA and Hiroshi, tied up at one apiece. KENTA won two years ago in the G1, Tanahashi a little under a year ago in Kobe. Both men make their entrances, KENTA coming out first before High Energy hits, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Tanahashi makes his way to the ring, and both men head to their respective corners before the bell chimes to signal the start of what's sure to be a brilliant encounter.
It's a heated affair from the get go, with KENTA going right out of the gates with an attempted Shotgun Dropkick, which the Ace is able to dodge. KENTA rolls straight out of the ring, goading Tanahashi, before sliding back in as the Ace heads out and ambushing the nine-time Heavyweight Champion upon his return to the ring with a barrage of forearms, beating the Ace down before berating the audience and their hero.
The Black Sun lights Tanahashi up with a kick to the chest, and continues unleashing them before hitting ONE TO THE HEAD! Tanahashi slumps into the ropes, and KENTA runs them, building up speed for a BUSAIKU KNEE INTO THE ROPES, NARROWLY AVOIDED! KENTA is caught as Tanahashi slips out onto the apron and hits a DRAGON SCREW THROUGH THE ROPES! His foe yells out and stumbles back into the ring as Tanahashi bolts up top to deliver an ACES HIGH! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!
He nearly had KENTA there, and he again goes after the leg with an inverted Dragon Screw into the canvas. He looks to go up top once more, but sees KENTA rising and thinks better of it, dropping down to go for a SLING BLADE, BUT HE'S CAUGHT WITH A KOUTOUBU KICK! He's dazed as KENTA wraps an arm around his neck, running up the second turnbuckle for a TORNADO DDT OVER THE ROPES! Tanahashi falls back as KENTA connects with a SLINGSHOT LEG DROP FOR A NEARFALL!
KENTA heaves Tanahashi up and again blitzes him with kicks to the chest, backing Tanahashi up into a corner and keeping the punishment up before hitting a YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER! Tanahashi falls over, slumped, and KENTA, mocking Shibata, hits a CORNER DROPKICK! He hits a Snapmare and runs the ropes for a PENALTY KICK! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO! KENTA chuckles, touching his finger to his ear to bring in the boos before heaving Tanahashi up - GO TO SLEEP COUNTERED, TANAHASHI GRABBING THE LEG! DRAGON SCREW!
Instantly, Tanahashi hits a fourth Dragon Screw before turning over into a CLOVERLEAF! KENTA is howling in pain as he pounds the mat, trying to crawl, but Tanahashi has him trapped, cinching it in ever tighter until EL PHANTASMO AND TAIJI ISHIMORI RUSH DOWN TO THE RING! Red Shoes goes to throw them out and Tanahashi releases the hold to go take care of them, but KENTA WITH A ROLLUP FOR TWO, FOLLOWED BY A HEAD KICK!
Tanahashi is jarred as KENTA picks him up, looking for a GTS, but Tanahashi drops down for a SLING BLADE! He kips up, rallying the crowd before LOCKING IN A DRAGON SLEEPER! KENTA is fading, so Tanahashi resorts to a Dragon Swing, dropping KENTA on his knees for a PENALTY KICK OF HIS OWN FOR TWO! He goes up for a High Fly Flow... KENTA WITH THE KNEES UP! His bad left leg is hurting him, but he pulls the Ace up for a BUSAIKU KNEE WITH HIS RIGHT! He could pin him there, but he opts not to, looking for a GTS - THE KNEE GIVES! TANAHASHI WITH A KINKASAN SUPLEX! He goes up top, and delivers a TREMENDOUS HIGH FLY FLOW! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Hiroshi Tanahashi def. KENTA (17:59) (2 Points)

G1 Climax 31, Night Four
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Master Wato
In the obviously most anticipated match of the entire tournament, Hiroshi Tanahashi is set to take on Master Wato, fresh off a brutal loss to Hirooki Goto on Night Two. Tanahashi is carrying some huge momentum after his win over KENTA, and he's out after Wato. Both men shake hands, Tanahashi heading to his own corner as the bell rings, Oda Gymnasium excited for the opening Block bout of the evening.
The Ace reaches up and out to lock up with Wato, with the Grandmaster meeting him there before LEAPING UP INTO A SMALL PACKAGE ON THE ACE FOR A NEARFALL! That heartstopping cover is halted by the Ace springing up and hitting a back elbow, throwing Wato into the ropes before clotheslining him over onto the apron. He heads back into the middle of the ring to get his bearings again, but now WATO WITH A MISSILE DROPKICK! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!
Wato rushes to the top rope to try and finish things off with an early Spiral Tap, but TANAHASHI BOOTS HIM TO THE FLOOR! Wato is picking himself up on the barricade, and now THE ACE HITS A DRAGON ROCKET! He pulls Wato to his feet and rolls him back into the ring, sliding in to hit an URANAGE FOR TWO! Hiroshi is impressed by the resilience of Wato but a little concerned, and picks him up for a TWIST AND SHOUT! ONE! TWO! TH-KICKOUT!
Now Tanahashi picks him back up and hits a forearm, but Wato slaps him in the face. Tanahashi chuckles and slaps him back, Wato falling into the ropes before connecting with a ROLLING ELBOW! Tanahashi stays upright as Wato starts hitting the shoot kicks to the chest, but TANAHASHI WITH A SLING BLADE! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! He heads up, calling for an Aces High, but WATO HITS A KICK TO THE CHEST! Tanahashi is knocked into the corner, and WATO WITH A DREAMCAST ENZIGURI!
So close to pulling off the shock of the century, Wato goes for the pin, but Tanahashi rolls out of the ring. Wato goes up, looking for a diving crossbody, but TANAHASHI CATCHES HIM! KINKASAN SUPLEX ONTO THE FLOOR! Tanahashi rolls him into the ring, Wato dazed from a brutal suplex, and clambers up to the top rope for a HIGH FLY FLOW! WATO WITH THE KNEES UP, ROLLING TANAHASHI UP WITH AN INSIDE CRADLE! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Wato sprints up to the top rope, posing before LANDING THE SPIRAL TAP! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO!
Tanahashi is set up in the corner by Master Wato, who looks for another Dreamcast Enziguri, but TANAHASHI DUCKS! He grabs the arms in a straitjacket, and KNOCKS WATO OUT COLD WITH A DARUMA-SHIKI INTO THE TURNBUCKLES! An unconscious Wato is pushed into the middle of the ring, and Tanahashi heads up to the top rope - HIGH FLY FLOW! ONE! TWO! THREE! TANAHASHI WITH THE WIN!
Hiroshi Tanahashi def. Master Wato (13:17) (4 Points)
Tanahashi helps Wato up and raises his hand, the performance from the young upstart having undoubtedly elevated him for years to come, coming only hairs away from victory over the nine time Heavyweight Champion before being put away.

G1 Climax 31, Night Six
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Will Ospreay
In the next chapter of the terrific saga of Ospreay/Tanahashi matches, Ospreay looks to tie Tanahashi up at four points, after losing to Kenny Omega on Night Two and beating Shingo Takagi on Night Three. Ospreay enters his third straight G1 main event, now against the Ace, entering first. Tanahashi is out second, and they stare down for an intense moment before the bout begins.
Both men lock up to kick things off, and it's a far different matchup than last time. Ospreay has put on twenty pounds of muscle, and he's able to match Tanahashi power-wise in the middle of the ring, winning the collar and elbow tie-up and getting a front facelock. Tanahashi swings around to get the waistlock, but Ospreay instinctively hits a back elbow before going for an OSCUTTER! Tanahashi leaps forwards, dropping to his knees to evade, Ospreay springboarding for the OsCutter but turning it into a reverse leapfrog before GOING FOR A HIDDEN BLADE! Tanahashi ducks, before rolling back and springing up, Ospreay turning around and both locking eyes once more after a lightning exchange.
They lock up once more, and Tanahashi gets a snapmare, going for a penalty kick, but Ospreay falls back and kips up, turning around for a DROPSAULT! The Ace topples over as Ospreay measures for a STANDING SHOOTING STAR! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Ospreay gives a smirk to the hard cam as he heaves Tanahashi up, holding him steady and measuring for an OsCutter, and leaps up, only for TANAHASHI TO PUSH HIM OVER THE ROPES TO THE APRON!
The Ace exits to the apron and hits a forearm on Ospreay, Will knocked back into the turnbuckles. He goes for a lariat, but OSPREAY LANDS A HOOK KICK! Tanahashi tumbles to the floor, and Ospreay rallies the crowd before heading back in to connect with a SASUKE SPECIAL ON TANAHASHI! The Aerial Assassin rolls his onetime ally back in, hopping on the apron and calling for the Ace to get up before connecting with a PIP PIP CHEERIO! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!
Now Ospreay kips up again, going to the corner and looking for another Hidden Blade, but Tanahashi seems to see it coming and DROPS DOWN! KINKASEN SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! TH-NOO! Tanahashi gets up and hits a forearm on Ospreay, running the ropes for a SLING BLADE, COUNTERED WITH A STANDING SPANISH FLY! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOOO! Ospreay calls for a Stormbreaker, but Tanahashi is able to drop down, Ospreay running STRAIGHT INTO AN URANAGE! Tanahashi heads up, looking for an Aces High... HE GETS IT! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT BY OSPREAY!
Tanahashi picks Ospreay up, sensing the end is near, and CONNECTS WITH A TWIST AND SHOUT FOR TWO! Ospreay rolls out to the apron, groggy from several chained nearfalls, but he's decked with a forearm by the Ace, who steps out to the apron himself, only for OSPREAY TO HIT A SILENT WHISPER! He runs at the turnbuckles, looking for an OSCUTTER ON THE APRON, BUT TANAHASHI JUMPS DOWN TO THE FLOOR! Ospreay catches himself and lands on his feet, only for Tanahashi to sweep out his legs and hop back. up for a SLING BLADE ON THE APRON! He pushes Will back in, hooking both legs... ONE! TWO! THR-NOOOO!
Will Ospreay is down and out as Tanahashi clambers back up, and GOES FOR A HIGH FLY FLOW, BUT OSPREAY ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY! Ospreay stares into the camera, something gleaming in his eye before he KIPS UP! He gets a gutwrench, using that new bulk to heave Tanahashi up for a DOCTOR BOMB! ONE! TWO! TH-TANAHASHI KICKS OUT!
Ospreay picks him up and goes for a German, but Tanahashi drops down and slips between the legs, hitting a BRIDGING DRAGON SUPLEX! He again falls into the corner, pulling himself up, thinking about a second Aces High, but Ospreay grabs the hair and pulls him in for a CHEEKY NANDO'S KICK! Tanahashi falls into a Hook Kick, collapsing to his knees so OSPREAY LANDS A HIDDEN BLADE! Tanahashi's out, and now Ospreay muscles him up for a STORMBREAKER! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Will Ospreay def. Hiroshi Tanahashi (22:44) (4 Points)

G1 Climax 31, Night Eight
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Taichi
Reigniting an old feud, Tanahashi flashes back to the days of his rivalry with Suzuki-gun. Taichi is out first, singing his way to the ring before removing his mask to await the arrival of his opponent. Out comes Tanahashi, clearly focused on rebounding from a disappointing loss, but he's shown himself capable of beating Taichi in the past. They're both sent to their corners by the referee, and the bell chimes to start things off for Taichi vs Tanahashi.
Suzuki-gun's very own rolls straight out of the ring, and Tanahashi follows him with a baseball dropkick, heading to the outside and throwing a chop against the barrier. Taichi fires back with a forearm, and throws Tanahashi over the barricade into the front row. He grabs the Ace by the hair and tries to drive him face-first into the steel, but Tanahashi pulls him over with him before telling the front row to move - URANAGE ONTO THE FRONT ROW SEATING!
Red Shoes finally starts the slow twenty count as Tanahashi heaves Taichi up, but TAICHI HITS THE ACE WITH A CHAIR! He folds the chair up and starts unloading before throwing the Ace into the handrail of the main stairwell. He throws a few closed fists, the crowd booing him as he picks Tanahashi up and GETS SLAPPED IN THE FACE! Taichi heads up the stairs with the nine-time Heavyweight Champion in hot pursuit, and the Ace grabs him to go for a Twist and Shout, but TAICHI KICKS HIM OFF! He throws a kick to the gut, and Tanahashi catches it, only for Taichi to leap back, RIPPING OFF THE TEARAWAYS! Taichi leaps up and hits an AXE BOMBER, FOLLOWED BY A... SNAP DDT ONTO THE BENCH!
Taichi sends Tanahashi back down the stairs, the ACe managing to prop himself up on the handrail to avoid taking too much damage, but he's hit with a BIG BOOT BACK OVER THE BARRICADE! Tanahashi tries to catch his bearings, but his head's taken a lot of heavy hits as he's rolled back in, Taichi running the ropes to go for another AXE BOMBER, BUT TANAHASHI WITH A LAST GASP OF ENERGY IN THE FORM OF A SLING BLADE! He covers for two, before heaving Taichi up and slapping him across the face, trying to hype himself up as he LANDS AN URANAGE FOR ANOTHER TWO COUNT!
The Ace rallies as he tosses Taichi into the corner, hitting a running uppercut, followed by a back elbow before churning out the chops. Taichi's tanking all of them, so Tanahashi slaps him in the face before hitting an EXPLODER SUPLEX! He's digging deep into his repertoire while trying to keep his head as far away from damage, and picks Taichi up for a RUNNING ENZIGURI, STRAIGHT INTO A DENKOU SEKKA! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Taichi springs up, but he's slung into the ropes, only to FIRE BACK WITH AN AXE BOMBER FOR A NEARFALL!
Both men take a moment to recover, but it's Taichi up first, and he goes right after the head with a flurry of forearms, all before throwing Tanahashi into the ropes for another go at an Axe Bomber, but Tanahashi ducks, vaults over on the second go round and FINALLY HITS A SLING BLADE! The back of Taichi's neck is driven into the canvas, and now he gets drilled again, this time with a TWIST AND SHOUT BY THE ACE! ONE! TWO! THR-NOO!
Tanahashi goes up to the top rope, hoping to end things as he calls for Taichi to get to his feet, and he CONNECTS WITH AN ACES HIGH FOR A NEARFALL! Taichi props himself up on the ropes as Tanahashi again goes up, the cobwebs clearly still present in his head after the DDT on the wood, and goes for another Aces High but GETS TAGGED WITH A SUPERKICK BY TAICHI! He heaves the Ace up and LANDS A LIGER BOMB! ONE! TWO! THR-TANAHASHI POWERS OUT! He heaves Tanahashi up and looks for a Black Mephisto, but Tanahashi drops down and HITS THE SLING BLADE! He rushes to the top, only seconds away from victory... HIGH FLY FLOW! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Hiroshi Tanahashi def. Taichi (19:59) (6 Points)

G1 Climax 31, Night Ten
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Shingo Takagi
Following a headache-inducing match against Taichi, Tanahashi walks into a bout with Shingo Takagi, looking to walk out with eight points and a leading record in the block. The Dragon is out first for the first one on one encounter between the two, and he's itching with anticipation as the Ace steps out onto the stage, an electric crowd excited for the main event of the evening. Tanahashi heads down to the ring and sells his head injury, even the bright lights seeming to cause him pain as he drops down from the turnbuckles. The bell rings, and SHINGO WITH A PUMPING BOMBER! ONE! TWO! THR-NOO!
Everyone is stunned by the nearfall as Shingo heaves Tanahashi to a vertical base, a groggy Ace throwing an unchecked forearm to knock Takagi off balance before trying for a SLING BLADE! He has Takagi down, and looks to people he knows have beaten Takagi, pulling out a SILENT WHISPER KICK FOR TWO! The homage to Ospreay isn't enough early, and Tanahashi starts throwing forearms to the back of the neck to try and keep the Dragon down, but Shingo hits a back elbow to send Tanahashi flying, charging at him against the ropes, but the Ace low bridges, sending Shingo tumbling to the floor before HITTING A DRAGON ROCKET!
The Ace rolls Shingo back in and gets up on the apron, measuring his distances before CONNECTING WITH A SPRINGBOARD MISSILE DROPKICK! Shingo falls back and rolls to his feet, roaring in Tanahashi's face before charging for a Pumping Bomber, only to get hit with a DROPKICK! Tanahashi goes for the Uranage, but Shingo hits an elbow to the side of the skull before LEVELLING TANAHASHI WITH A YO THROW! THe Ace staggers to his feet, but now he's kicked in the stomach and hauled up for a LIGER BOMB! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT!
Shingo heaves Tanahashi up to try and go for a Last of the Dragon, but Tanahashi is able to drop down for a standing enziguri, followed by a DENKOU SEKKA FOR TWO! He stays with Shingo as he rises for a KINKASAN SUPLEX, AGAIN FOR TWO, AND FLIPS OVER INTO A DRAGON SLEEPER! He's trying to choke Shingo out right here, or at least wear him down to even the playing field, but he GOES INTO A DRAGON SWING, SLAMMING SHINGO DOWN! Shingo's just been driven into the mat, and he's dazed as Tanahashi props him against the ropes for a BICYCLE KNEE TO THE SIDE OF THE HEAD! Seemingly sending a message to Kenny Omega for Night Eighteen, he hooks the leg - ONE! TWO! THR-NOO!
Both men have taken a beating in this fast-paced brawl, but now Tanahashi is in control as he heads up top for an ACES HIGH, BUT HE'S CAUGHT! Takagi heaves him up into a Fireman's Carry to hit a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER, BUT BOTH SPRING UP! Tanahashi slaps Shingo in the face, somehow absorbing the Death Valley Driver, and hits another slap, enraging Shingo who hits a forearm and runs the ropes for a PUMPING BOMBER, BUT TANAHASHI WITH THE LOW BRIDGE! Shingo lands on the apron, and TANAHASHI WITH A DROPKICK INTO THE BARRIER! He runs... DRAGON ROCKET CAUGHT! FLAPJACK, HEAD FIRST ONTO THE STEEL!
Tanahashi is stumbling around as Shingo rolls back in, the crowd concerned for Tanahashi as Shingo runs the ropes for a TOPE CON HILO! He grabs the Ace by both legs, and Tanahashi hits an elbow to the crown of the skull, but SHINGO HITS A GALLON THROW INTO THE APRON! He rolls the Ace in, Tanahashi's head having taken enough damage to kill a mere mortal, and hooks the leg - ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! He picks Tanahashi up, seemingly going for a Last of the Dragon, but THE ACE FLOATS OVER WITH A SUNSET FLIP! ONE! TWO! THR-SHINGO POWERS OUT!
Takagi gets up as Tanahashi does, and the Ace gets his last burst of energy with a SUPERKICK! Shingo is stunned as Tanahashi goes up to HIT AN ACES HIGH FOR A NEARFALL! He runs to the corner and taunts Takagi as he rises... SLING BLADE! He picks Shing up and hits ANOTHER SLING BLADE! ONE! TWO! TH-NOOO! THAT WASN'T ENOUGH! Running out of options, Hiroshi goes to the top rope, and soars through the sky with a HIGH FLY FLOW - BUT SHINGO GETS THE KNEES! Takagi stumbles up and LEVELS THE NINE TIME CHAMP WITH A PUMPING BOMBER! ONE! TWO! THR-NOO! Takagi transitions straight from the pin into a MANKIRI! The choke is in tight, and he starts headbutting the Ace as he fades... THAT'S IT! IT'S OVER! SHINGO TAKAGI FORCES A STOPPAGE!
Shingo Takagi def. Hiroshi Tanahashi (22:17) (6 Points)

G1 Climax 31, Night Twelve
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Hirooki Goto
After a heartbreaking loss against Shingo Takagi, Tanahashi looks to rebound against a man he knows very well. He's apparently walking in with a concussion, but there's a long gap between Nights Ten and Twelve, giving him six days to recover, and he seems to be in fighting shape as he goes up against someone he main evented Dominion against in Hirooki Goto. Goto is out first, followed by the Ace, and the two give each other respectful nods before being given formal introductions. The bell rings, and here we go!
It's a tense atmosphere as Goto and Tanahashi lock up, the question being whether Tanahashi is still himself after being mauled by Takagi. Both men lock up, and Goto gets a side headlock, but Tanahashi starts pushing him into the ropes, breaking free and getting an Irish Whip. He drops down and leapfrogs over Goto as Goto runs the ropes, and finally hits a LARIAT! Goto falls back into the ropes and comes back with an overhead chop to the chest, echoing through the arena. Tanahashi takes a moment to catch his breath after having his lungs blasted empty, and chops Goto back, before the two start trading slaps, Tanahashi ducking one before hitting a TWELVE-SIX!
Now that it's a little more clear Tanahashi's back to normal, Goto turns it up, less concerned about hurting his longtime ally. He gets up from the Twelve-Six and locks up a little more aggressively, pushing Tanahashi into the ropes and allowing a clean break. Tanahashi charges, and now Goto BRAINS HIM WITH A LARIAT! He covers for one, and Tanahashi gets up, running the ropes and trying to outpace his foe before landing a SLING BLADE FOR TWO! He goes up for an Aces High - CAUGHT! Goto drives Tanahashi into the corner with a tackle, hitting a flurry of chops followed by a MURAMASA KICK!
The Ace falls into Goto's arms, and Goto hits a snapmare before cinching in a Sleeper Hold. Tanahashi is quickly fading, but Goto gets him seated before running the ropes for a PENALTY KICK! He covers for two, and looks for a GTR, only for Tanahashi to hold onto the ropes, keeping himself upright before hitting a TWIST AND SHOUT FOR A NEARFALL! Goto is fuzzy as Tanahashi fights to his feet and starts unloading his own kicks to the chest, followed by a SUPERKICK TO A KNEELING GOTO! SLING BLADE! He goes up top... ACES HIGH CONNECTS! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO!
Tanahashi gets to his knees and starts slapping Goto in the face, egging his longtime New Japan compatriot on as they start trading strikes. The energy of the arena buzzes louder and louder as they rise to their feet, trading forearms before Goto bounces off the ropes and TURNS THE ACE INSIDE OUT WITH A FOREARM SMASH! He doesn't have a second to spare as he heaves his opponent up for a SPINNING WHEEL KICK! Up onto the shoulders... USHIGOROSHI! Tanahashi bounces off the knee, somehow still upright - DISCUS LARIAT BY GOTO! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO!
Goto grabs the Ace by his glorious mane, setting him up for a Goto Revolution, but TANAHASHI HITS A BACK ELBOW! He staggers free, and Goto charges with a lariat, only to get CAUGHT WITH A SLING BLADE! Tanahashi kips up as Goto rises to his feet, and BOTH MEN WITH LARIATS! They fall into opposite ropes, and Goto goes for one more, but Tanahashi ducks for an URANAGE! He covers for two, and now heads up top, only to get HIT WITH A FOREARM!
Hirooki Goto is there to meet him, and he hits a forearm, before CALLING FOR A SUPERPLEX! Tanahashi drops down, falling to the apron, but Goto gets to the top rope and pulls Tanahashi up... THE ACE LEAPS BEHIND HIM! He gets the waistlock, pulling as hard as he can, but Goto holds the ropes, eventually letting one arm go to hit a back elbow, but TANAHASHI PULLS HIM FREE WITH A DRAGON SUPLEX FROM THE SECOND ROPE! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Hiroshi Tanahashi def. Hirooki Goto (20:01) (8 Points)

G1 Climax 31, Night Fourteen
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs El Phantasmo
After months of torment at the hands of Phantasmo on behalf of Bullet Club, Tanahashi gets ELP one on one for the first time ever, but he's had a lot of trouble with recent Junior Heavyweights in Shingo and Ospreay. With Hiromu on Night Sixteen, Tanahashi looks to prove a point, and both men make their entrances, starting things off quickly when PHANTASMO GOES AFTER THE ACE BEFORE THE BELL RINGS! He starts throwing wild punches, the ref dragging him away before the bell rings, the Ace at a disadvantage.
ELP rushes out of his corner with a shotgun dropkick that would make KENTA proud, and starts hitting forearms against the turnbuckle. He gets up and taunts the Ace, slapping him a few times across the face before going for a diving corner dropkick, which is dodged before he's HIT WITH A DRAGON SCREW! He holds his knee as the Ace picks him up for an URANAGE, but ELP BACKFLIPS OUT! He hits a Hook Kick and goes for a straitjacket suplex, but Tanahashi hits a back headbutt, running the ropes for a SLING BLADE! THE ACE IS IN CONTROL ONCE MORE!
Now in the lead, Tanahashi picks Phantasmo up to try for a Dragon Suplex, but ELP forces himself free and LANDS A PELE KICK! He makes a quick cover for two, before kicking out the leg to force the Ace to kneel. He sneers and hits a SUPERKICK! Tanahashi is dazed, and ELP goes for one more, but he's CAUGHT! DRAGON SCREW! Tanahashi hits an inverted Dragon Screw into the mat, the knee being surgically dissected, and goes for a CLOVERLEAF, BUT ELP SCRAMBLES FROM THE RING! Tanahashi chuckles, getting an air guitar solo in before going for a DRAGON ROCKET, BUT PHANTASMO TRUCKS HIM WITH A SUPERKICK!
Phantasmo gets up on the apron, calling for an Asai Moonsault to the outside, but Tanahashi TAKES OUT THE LEG! Phantasmo falls back into the ring, and Tanahashi clambers up to the top rope to deliver an ACES HIGH! ONE! TWO! TH-KICKOUT! Tanahashi grabs Phantasmo by the back of the head, but ELP POKES THE EYE! Tanahashi crumples, clutching his face as Phantasmo grabs an arm, readying his own leg for an ESCALERA FRANKENSTEINER, BUT TANAHASHI CATCHES HIM FOR A POWERBOMB! He stacks him up for two, Phantasmo rolling back over to his knees, but TANAHASHI GRABS THE WRISTS FOR A KAMIGOYE! He dug deep and found Ibushi, and now he heads up to the top rope for a HIGH FLY FLOW! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Hiroshi Tanahashi def. El Phantasmo (13:45) (10 Points)

G1 Climax 31, Night Sixteen
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Hiromu Takahashi
Los Ingobernables de Japon accompany Hiromu to ringside before heading back in, the Time Bomb wanting to do this solo. Out comes the Ace, and commentary talks up the stakes of this rematch. Hiromu beat Tanahashi last year in the G1, and he needs to do the same to stay in the running this year - with Tetsuya Naito leading A Block heading into Night Seventeen. Will Hiromu keep his hopes in the G1 alive, and potentially meet Naito in the Finals, or will Tanahashi avenge his loss from last year and make his way to the top of the block with twelve points?
After the bell rings, both men lock up, and Tanahashi throws Hiromu into the ropes off the break, only to get FLOORED WITH A DROPKICK! Hiromu kips up and goes straight for a Canadian Destroyer, but Tanahashi catches him, going for an Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker, but Hiromu drops down and STACKS HIM WITH A SUNSET FLIP! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Hiromu springs up and hits a shoot kick to the chest, all before getting Tanahashi up for a Death Valley Driver, but Tanahashi slides off the back for a KINKASAN SUPLEX FOR TWO!
Hiromu rolls right back to his feet, and Tanahashi hits a chop to send him into the corner. The Ace then looks down, and pulls out his air guitar, striking a cord as he stares down his foe. Hiromu cackles and pulls out one of his own, and the two have a comedic exchange of air guitar riffs before Hiromu charges with a lariat that's ducked, Tanahashi going for one of his own on the rebound that's ducked as well, and now Hiromu spins the Ace around and throws him out to the apron, running the ropes to deliver a SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB TO THE FLOOR!
The Time Bomb springs to his feet, Hiroshi down and out on the floor, and rolls his opponent back in, heading up top for a MISSILE DROPKICK! HE covers for two, and then picks Tanahashi up, looking for a TIME BOMB, BUT TANAHASHI ESCAPES! The Ace lands a Yakuza Kick, and then connects with a LARIAT ON HIROMU! He grabs Takahashi and throws him into the corner, unloading a set of forearms before going up top for an ACES HIGH! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT!
Now the Ace is unsure of what to do, so he waits against the ropes, telling Hiromu to get up for a SLING BLADE! He covers for two, and then tries to lock in a Dragon Sleeper, but THE TIME BOMB STARTS BITING THE ARM! Tanahashi releases, and Hiromu charges in with a clothesline, jumping on top for a flurry of shots to the head before throwing the Ace to the apron again, joining him out there to go for a CANADIAN DESTROYER ON THE APRON, BUT TANAHASHI HOLDS STEADY! He sets Hiromu back down, but the Time Bomb hits a superkick, and the Once in a Century Talent falls back in, only for Hiromu to head up and DIVE INTO A STANDING TRIANGLE CHOKE!
Tanahashi starts swinging Hiromu around, desperate to break free, and he's able to peel off one leg, only for Hiromu to FLIP OVER INTO A CANADIAN DESTROYER! He picks Tanahashi up and looks for a Dynamite Plunger, but Tanahashi slides off for a DESPERATE DRAGON SUPLEX! He crawls to the ropes, pulling himself up the turnbuckles for an Aces High, but HIROMU WITH A SUPERKICK! Hiromu clambers up top to meet the Ace and goes for a top rope hurricanrana, but TANAHASHI HOLDS HIM STEADY! HE'S GOING FOR AN AVALANCHE STYLES CLASH! Hiromu is able to wriggle free, and he HITS AN ENZIGURI, THE ACE TUMBLING TO THE MAT!
Takahashi sees this could be it, and now it's him who heads up, but the Ace lands a forearm, heading up with him and swinging an arm over, maybe for a superplex, but Hiromu kicks him in the gut. Tanahashi wobbles, and the Time Bomb sets himself up for a CANADIAN DESTROYER FROM THE TOP, BUT THE ACE HANGS ON FOR DEAR LIFE! Hiromu starts hitting clubbing blows to the small of the back, but the Ace is able to turn it into a BACK BODY DROP! Hiromu tumbles to the mat, and Tanahashi turns around to deliver a HIGH FLY FLOW! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Hiroshi Tanahashi def. Hiromu Takahashi (23:00) (12 Points)

Tanahashi now leads B Block, but he has one last opponent - in a Wrestle Kingdom main event rematch, he faces Kenny Omega in the B Block Finals - Omega with ten points, and Tanahashi with ten, all for the right to face Tetsuya Naito in the Finals... for the right to face Kota Ibushi at Wrestle Kingdom 16.

G1 Climax 31, Night Eighteen
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kenny Omega
In what's the most highly anticipated bout of the tournament, Kenny Omega squares up against Hiroshi Tanahashi once more, where the winner faces Naito in the Finals - Naito beat Tanahashi for the IWGP Heavyweight Title just a few months earlier at Dominion, and he faced Omega in the Finals as well in the G1 27, setting the stage for a tremendous Final no matter which way it goes. Beyond that, all three have history with champion Kota Ibushi, so Budokan really don't know who's walking out of this one on top, never mind the Finals. Tanahashi is out first, followed by Kenny Omega, representing AEW well in the tournament with five huge wins to this point. The bell rings, and here we go!
Budokan is buzzing as Omega and Tanahashi just stand there, Kenny with a smirk on his face. They slowly move into a lockup, Omega getting the waistlock, but Tanahashi throws a back elbow and cinches in the front facelock. Kenny starts pushing, getting Tanahashi against the ropes for a break before slapping the Ace as he steps away. Red Shoes chews Kenny out, but Tanahashi hits one himself and gets the front facelock back in. Kenny grabs the arm and tries to spin out, but Tanahashi wrenches him back in halfway for a QUICK SHOOT AT A DRAGON SLEEPER! Omega scrambles free, and both men go to their respective corners again, circling once more.
Both men lock up once more, but now Kenny is more aggressive as he swings into a side headlock, but Tanahashi drives him into the ropes and pushes him away for a break with an Irish Whip. Kenny starts running the ropes, and the Ace drops under a leg lariat and goes to leapfrog over Omega, but Kenny holds the top rope to halt his momentum before hitting a confused Tanahashi with a TONY JAA KNEE! He covers for two, and then goes after the back with a SPINEBUSTER! He again hooks the leg for two, but he's clearly in control early.
The Ace starts throwing forearms as Kenny picks him up, and throws him into the ropes to CONNECT WITH A SLING BLADE! He kips up and hits a kick to the chest of a kneeling Omega, screaming at him before belting out a flurry of the shoot kicks to the midsection, but he MISSES TO THE HEAD! Kenny ducks down and tries to set Tanahashi up in an electric chair, but the Ace drops down and hits a KINKASAN SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Tanahashi gets up to his feet behind Omega, and LOCKS IN A SLEEPER HOLD! Kenny fades as he falls into a seated position, and now the Wrestle Kingdom 13 main event winner releases, running the ropes for a PENALTY KICK! ONE! TWO! TH-NO!
Now the Ace has regained control, and he heaves his opponent to his feet, only for Omega to blast him with a forearm and a V TRIGGER! Tanahashi falls into the ropes, and OMEGA WITH ANOTHER V TRIGGER! He looks to pick Tanahashi up for the One Winged Angel, but Tanahashi lays the elbows on thick before dropping forward. Kenny charges with a lariat, and Tanahashi low bridges, sending his foe to the apron, only to get HUNG UP ON THE ROPES! Omega pulls the arm over, and GOES FOR A VERTICAL SUPLEX OFF THE APRON TO THE FLOOR, but Tanahashi drops down on the apron, only for Kenny to SHOVE HIM INTO THE POST! Kenny heads back in, and as the Ace rises, he connects with a RISE OF THE TERMINATOR!
We're past the halfway point in the thirty minute limit, and Tanahashi's back is giving him trouble as Kenny picks him up into a Fireman's Carry on the outside. He yells "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE," and CONNECTS WITH A ROLLING SENTON ON THE OUTSIDE, FOLLOWED BY A MOONSAULT OFF THE BARRIER! Kenny rolls Tanahashi back in, Hiroshi's midsection being systematically destroyed as Omega heads up top for a 450 SPLASH TO THE SPINE! He hooks both legs... ONE! TWO! THR-NOO! Now he goes for the DR WILY BOMB, BUT TANAHASHI WITH THE HURRICANRANA INTO THE PIN! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO!
Kenny springs up out of the cover and goes for a V Trigger, but Tanahashi blocks it and bashes Kenny with a forearm, egging Omega on as he slaps him in the face. They start trading the slaps before devolving into forearms, but Tanahashi whips Kenny into the ropes, only for Omega to boot him in the face with a Yakuza Kick, followed by a KOTARO KRUSHER FOR TWO! Now Kenny takes hold of the Ace's wrist, pulling him up in a straitjacket before spinning him out for a RAIN TRIGGER! The Ace tumbles into the ropes, and now OMEGA CHARGES FOR A V TRIGGER INTO THE ROPES ONCE MORE! Tanahashi dodges it, and Kenny's leg is trapped in the ropes as Tanahashi slips behind him for a BRIDGING DRAGON SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! Tanahashi heads up top, and hits an ACES HIGH! ONE! TWO! THR-NOO!
Tanahashi picks Kenny up and goes for a Sling Blade, but Omega is able to counter, swinging his foe around before hitting a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! He heaves the Ace up... AOI SHOUDOU! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO! The Ace's back is in a bad way as Kenny looks for a second Rain Trigger, but TANAHASHI SLAPS HIM IN THE FACE AS HE'S BROUGHT AROUND! TANAHASHI WITH A V TRIGGER ON KENNY! Omega falls out of the ring... DRAGON ROCKET! The Ace rolls Omega back in, heading up top for a HIGH FLY FLOW, BUT NOBODY'S HOME! Kenny pulls him up and delivers a second Snap Dragon for a nearfall, and then GRABS BOTH WRISTS! He's going for a Kamigoye - HIROSHI LEAPS UP FOR A FALL IN LOVE! ONE! TWO! THR-NOO!
Omega's stunned, but he rushes to his feet, only to get HIT WITH A SLING BLADE! Tanahashi clambers up... V TRIGGER BY OMEGA! Kenny heads to the second rope, and Budokan explodes as he picks the Ace up in an ELECTRIC CHAIR UP HIGH, but Tanahashi fights free and drops down - KENNY HAS THE WAISTLOCK! CROYT'S WRATH FROM THE SECOND ROPE! We're told there's a minute remaining as Omega pulls him up, trying for a One Winged Angel, but TANAHASHI SLIDES INTO A REVERSE FRANKENSTEINER, OH MY GOD! He rallies the crowd as he goes up for a High Fly Flow... KENNY WITH THE KNEES UP! Tanahashi could be out right now, but Omega heaves him up into the Electric Chair - THE TIME EXPIRES! OMEGA AND TANAHASHI FIGHT TO A DRAW, AND HIROSHI TANAHASHI IS IN THE FINALS FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW!
Hiroshi Tanahashi and Kenny Omega went to a draw (30:00) (13 Points)
submitted by apehasreturned to FBEBTE [link] [comments]

[Excalibur] - Part 25

Finally managed some time to write this! First Okamoto Chapter, the badass Yakuza boss with the evil-sword who killed the Demon that Jesse and Goemon had been chasing.
A bit on the Yakuza first!
Kumicho – Yauza big boss.
Saiko-homon, senior advisor.
Wakagashira – second in command.
Kobun – within a family, the sub heads beneath the Oyabun. In Okamoto’s case, he is the Oyabun (parent) to Kobun (children) who are all themselves the Oyabun of their own families, in a sprawling web of smaller families that runs through Japan. The clan/gang names I use here are all fictional.
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Okamoto left the girl where she lay, slumbering on his bed. Tying his silk robes around his body, the Leader of the Kameda-kai, the largest Yakuza group in Japan, stood. His gaze followed the light of the moon through the pent-house balcony and to the girls exposed bosom.
Ignoring the call of desire that stirred, he left her to much needed rest and crossed the open space towards the kitchen bar.
Brown liquid sloshed at the bottom of the whiskey bottle as he grabbed it and poured with a shaking hand into a nearby glass. Lighting a cigarette, he stood in the darkness between the silver beams of light, sipping and smoking, staring vacantly across the city’s horizon. Spanning out from his luxury hotel, most of the buildings in his vision were either his, under his control, or paying tribute to his group. It was his city and his base from which he controlled most the illicit operations in Japan.
A cool breeze blew in from the heights, caressing the hair slick with sweat that hung loose at his shoulders.
The alcohol, the soothing wind, nor the girl whom he had ravaged moments before had helped release the growing knot of tension that was gripping deep within.
He glanced back towards her, seeing her exposed modesty reacting to the chill night-air.
Cover up, he thought, the idea merging the foreign pain in his head and becoming different. Alive.
The girl’s arm rose and pulled the duvet atop her. For a moment the pain subsided.
He gulped down his drink. The General had been right.
With every threat, comes even greater opportunity. With every curse, a gift.
Images of the black smoke and screams of both Okaji and the thing inside of him played over in his mind. In killing them, he had received much more than blood.
A knock at the door brought him back into the moment. Stubbing out his cigarette, he went to call his guards, momentarily forgetting he had sent them away. Better away than dead, after all.
Only one man would dare disturb him during a time like this. Onishi Harumasa, his Saiko-homon.
“Kumicho, please forgive me for disturbing you at such…an hour,” Oonishi diverted his rotund face down in a bow as Okamoto opened the thick door, the flesh of his small man’s chin pushing against his suit collar, “but we must talk.”
Okamoto let go of the heavy gold handle and walked back inside. Oonishi shuffled in before it closed with a soft click. Okamoto didn’t have to ask why he was here. After Okaji’s death, the families would be in uproar.
Okamoto took a seat at the far end of the low table before the balcony, motioning for Onishi to sit at the other side. Showing surprising flexibility for such a round ball of a man, Onishi sat in Seiza, a kneeling position with the body’s weight upon the feet below.
It was in stark contrast to Okamoto’s own form, lounging back on a low chair, legs spread, his robes hardly concealing his dignity. Tattoos across his body shone in the low-light, looking alive with the swell of his own breath, a layered myriad of animal forms and nature etched in tanned flesh.
Onishi’s gaze didn’t meet Okamoto’s own, or dare look around the room. Only a few nervous glances at the sword that lay on the dark leather couch to Okamoto’s side were any sign of his fear.
Okamoto grabbed the sword and pulled it close, making Onishi flinch. The scabbard was warm to the touch as always, but it felt different. A tinge of volatility and uncertainty ran through, as if it, too, was still coming to the grips with the mysterious soul it had absorbed.
The silence stretched. Okamoto pulled away from the blade, and finally spoke.
“What did my Kobun say, Onishi-kun?”
“After hearing of Okajima-kun’s passing, and the injury sustained to the heir of one of the Kazeyama-kai clans, tensions are…high, Kumicho. They demanded to see you.”
Okamoto ignored the request.
“Any problems I should be aware of?” He replied, as if he didn’t realise there was.
Onishi took a moment to reply, choosing his words carefully, understanding the pressure his boss was exerting upon him.
“Okajima’s clan are…displeased, Kumicho. They seek justice for the death of their Oyabun and reject outright the claim he instigated the conflict with the Kazeyama-kai. Support from the other Kobun are wavering in favour of war.”
Displeased would be putting it lightly, Okamoto knew. Okajima’s clan were from the poorest and most crime-torn part of southern Osaka. They were violent, rude and nearly uncontrollable at the best of times. Gaining their allegiance had been a bloody conflict, and one that had been reliant on Okajima. With him gone, and many of their men dead, they would be seeking blood.
And what could he possibly tell them? That their boss had been possessed? That he had been the one to kill him? He would not be able to hide it from them. The blood-stained streets would talk. They always did.
If the boy from the Kazeyama-kai died, things would be worse. All hopes of an alliance being reached with them peacefully while his friend was still alive, or war avoided until he was gone, would be dashed.
A hard choice awaited. Cull the mutiny that would swell and fester in his own ranks or embrace the battle he had delayed for so long, at the cost of his only friendship.
“Who attended from Okajima’s family?”
“Okajima’s second son, Junpei.”
Okamoto knew the name, had heard from Okaji himself about his rash heir. One to be tamed, no doubt. The death of his father would be hard on him, but Okamoto’s hand would be far harder were he to seek revenge.
“Call the Kobun for a meeting in two days. If anyone moves against the Kazeyama-kai before then, they will be dealt with swiftly by my own sword.”
He didn’t need to mention the threat against his own position. Anyone foolish enough to take him on would soon find their end, especially now.
“Kumicho, I am not sure if the Kobun will wait that long. Neither may the Kazeyama-kai, if the boy dies.”
“My Kobun will wait, or I will be taking hands and heads instead of fingers. As for the Kazeyama-kai, send them a message stating we do not wish for war. Begin discussions of compensation. Oversee this personally.”
Onishi nodded, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow with a small handkerchief. The threat of hands being taken was not wasted on him. He knew what his boss was capable of.
Onishi seemed to err for a moment, unsure on how to broach a his next subject.
“Kumicho, about the girl—”
“Is she alive?” Okamoto interrupted, keen to hear that which he had not wanted to ask for directly. The mysterious girl had stoked a desire he had never felt from himself or the sword. HIs sword’s intentions were clear; kill her and take the power, whereas he wanted more. He wanted her.
Such raw power combined with a pervading sense of innocence and vulnerability…. he had never seen before. The piercing blue eyes that had looked straight through him, into his core, a beam of disgust, fear and an unmistakable longing were unforgettable. Many women had tried to take place at his side, but none had lasted. She would be the diamond in his crown. A Queen worthy of legend.
“We have no word on her condition, but the Kazeyama-kai have taken her and her companion back to their headquarters. The bigger problem is the media attention being linked to her is casting on our activities.”
Okamoto had expected as much, but he had the media in his pocket.
“Keep me updated. Scale back our operations to stay out of the media’s eye, while giving them some motivation to turn it elsewhere.”
Onishi nodded, wiping his forehead again. He had his work cut out.
A small muscle above Okamoto’s eye spasmed for an instant. The Kumicho straightened in his chair. Whispers began to crawl from the shadows in the room. Sounds of gun-fire. Calls of comrades in help.
“Onishi, leave me now. Send the details of the meeting and do not disturb me until then.”
“But Kumicho, we need—”
“Leave now or die Harumasa!” Okamoto roared, the spasm turning into a pulsing movement seizing the left side of his face. He rose from his chair, sword in grip, his hand moving impulsively to the hilt. Like an old song, Okamoto could hear the sword’s call, mournful and sweeping. Desperation surged in its its power, blurring his vision and elevating the pain raking through his body.
Onishi Harumasa rose and made his escape, bowing multiple times despite the grave danger he faced. As he closed the door behind him, Okamoto fell to his knees.
Blood burned through his veins as they pumped like booming drums through his head. Agony rattled with each pounding explosion as the whispers increased into screams. He gripped the sword, breathing deep, willing the attack to pass. Rage built up in him as the sword began to glow, it’s power only increasing.
Flashes of past horrors displayed before him in a nauseating parade that danced to the rhythm of his suffering. Horrors of war, of his past, of the lives he had taken.
It needs to sing. So much power cannot be restrained.
But I mustn’t let it. Not now. It would be the end.
Only the strongest memories he had served as protection against the attacks, ones of love, of friendship. His wife, his friend, his son. They were all that remained of the man consumed by the sword. Fragments of a lost soul.
Gradually, as Okamoto focused on his breathing, the bout subsided, and his muscles relaxed. Sweat dripped onto the tatami flooring in growing puddles. It was over. Since absorbing the Demon like soul and all its power, he had been plagued with the attacks, but they were finally starting to weaken. The sword was slowly coming back into control.
The image of his wife stayed with him. The only woman he had ever loved. Her memory had not blurred over the 70 years since her passing. As he thought of her, the image changed to that of the girl with the sword. Of Jesse, as he knew her name now was from the media’s reporting.
His wife had been so similar. Young and innocent, lost. Beautiful.
War had ruined everything.
Okamoto stood, snatching up the whiskey bottle and walking out to the large balcony.
The General had said there were never winners in war. Okamoto used to agree.
He threw the whiskey bottle out into the crisp night air, and watched as it tumbled, reflecting the lights around it, soon to crash into the street below.
He would prove the General wrong.
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submitted by FatDragon to FatDragon [link] [comments]

SGIWhistleblowers subreddit earliest posts

As of early March 2020

6 years ago (before SGIWhistleblowers was created):

Four Noble Truths
SGI's President Ikeda's ultimate aim to "realize Soka Kingdom"
We truly learn how to "stand alone" when we summon the courage to leave the SGI cult.org behind, and seek our own path to enlightenment.
6 points which irrefutably peg the SGI as a cult.
Why SGI members feel hostility here on Buddhism
SGI does NOT want dialogue
Is SGI a cult?
Soka Gakkai: can someone ELI5 why there's so much criticism?
I expected this sub to be HUGE! - SGIUSA subreddit
Does Soka University present a recruiting opportunity for SGI?
SGI-USA members are quitting in protest
If you're thinking about leaving sgi . . .
More evidence that former SGI leaders are the SGI's worst nightmare
Does Soka Gakkai promote religious fascism? - Note: This post was deleted. Take a look and see if YOU think it should have been deleted.
A Look At Three Decades Of SGI Experiences - external source, cultalert
Spartacus: Cult of the Master
Taiten Wisdom

5 years ago:

Welcome to the sgiwhistleblowers subreddit!
For all its talk of "world peace," the Soka Gakkai is presiding over Japan's return to warmongering and saber-rattling.
These next two are lists of early links:

SGI Cult Info – Connecting The Dots: A Resource List Of Links To Videos & Web Articles related to the Soka Gakkai cult

Soka Cult Info: Connecting the Dots II

The SGI = the Quakers??? Bill Aiken says so!!
General SGI Criticism
The "Mystic Law" promotes codependency and Stockholm Syndrome
"Mystical Insight" or hypnotic language patterns, loaded language, and private language?
Nichiren loved victim-blaming - and the Lotus Sutra is full of it as well
For those of us who have been damaged by SGI and those who wonder what the possible harm can be . . .
Sgi members' loss of autonomy
Wag The Dog: The Soka Gakkai leaders do not answer to the membership.
If you get a gohonzon through the SGI, they will keep your personal information on file and claim you as a member even if you leave. Here's what you have to do:
This practice does NOT work.
"Everything Happens For A Reason" - And It's ALL YOUR FAULT!!
"Benefits" - no one ever chants for anything that isn't readily available or easily possible - goldfish, chanting for her teeth to grow back
Squandering your cosmic influence? Throwing away your only wish? - $600 blue Chevy, Mircea Eliade Cosmos and History
How can you tell if your benefit came from your chanting or was just spillover from someone else's?
How we delude ourselves by creating intent-connections from coincidences:
Nichiren was not the son of a fisherman or a sea-weed catcher like some people think, he was the son of a fisherman with several man under his belt to defend the Izu (Shinto) shrine located in the tribute estate where Nichiren was born. People don't seem to understand the way Nichiren's own writings are wrapped in the Samurai Way and Shinto Shrine Worship References with a Flavor of Confucian Filial Piety. Not a good mix in my opinion.
"the effectiveness of a doctrine should not be judged by its profundity, sublimity, or the validity of the truths it embodies,but HOW THOROUGHLY IT INSULATES THE INDIVIDUAL FROM HIS SELF AND THE WORLD AS IT IS!
Who is - and isn't - a Buddhist?
Why we join, why it's so hard to leave
There is no "protection of the Mystic Law." Practicing with the SGI will not protect you or your loved ones from harm.
Following Ikeda may be hazardous to your health
If your practice isn't working and you aren't getting what you chant for, you're doing one or more of TEN things wrong
Maybe one of you could provide some guidance for me
Ikeda and Controlling People - Patricia Evans' book, psychic boundary, diffused like a drop of ink in a pool, "Become Shinichi Yamamoto", "I will become Shinichi Yamamoto", and “Reveal your true identity as Shinichi Yamamoto
How would you react if you discovered that a group of people was controlling what information you were able to see?
Study: People who join SGI-USA more likely to be divorced, alone
How the SGI and Ikeda frighten members into staying in the organization: If we veer from our own orbit, we might end up wandering in utter darkness for aeons without end. Ikeda
Ikeda's grandiosity: "Without the SGI, the world is doomed! DOOMED, I say!!"
Ikeda says: "No one who has left our organization has achieved happiness.":
Kansai is the heart of the kosen-rufu movement in Japan; Los Angeles, in America; and America, in the world.
The International HQ of the SGI (Soka Gakkai INTERNATIONAL) was supposed to be in Los Angeles, in the USA
"SGI reveres and praises Ikeda and themselves."
"Ikeda is everything or your Nichiren practice is nothing."
"A diamond-like state of unshakable happiness" is all well and good, but shouldn't one need to, at some point, address the absolute shittiness of one's circumstances?
Soka Gakkai Doublespeak
Daisaku Ikeda, master of mixed messages and saying what we all know he doesn't mean
Analyzing Ikeda's manipulative rhetoric - Smithsonian Institute-Paleoanthropology Australopithecus spiff-arino
The brazen, bald-faced lying of Ikeda and the SGI will take your breath away
A classic example of Ikeda contradicting himself - "Protect me."
Japan: Officially two-faced. So the SGI is, too!
A classic example of SGI-thought - insane, delusional, completely out of touch with reality
Documenting SGI-USA's decline
Many millions more EX-SGI members than actual SGI members
More information about membership statistics
"Diary of an SGI-USA Chapter Leader"
"The Necessity of Imagination"
Mentor-Disciple Relationship
On Mr. Williams' alleged drug use and possible yakuza entanglements
Case study: An SGI-USA Cult Member's Perspective
"All religions except Nichiren Shoshu are evil and poisonous to society and must be destroyed." - All Three Soka Gakkai Presidents
Byrd: Associating with members of other Nichiren sects
As with all the other religions, SGI offers its members a "Get out of punishment free" card
More evidence that former SGI leaders are the SGI's worst nightmare
The Gosho the SGI uses are based on an unreliable, unscholarly, sectarian translation
The SGI is completely authoritarian and non-democratic.
Why do you suppose the US Ikeda organization was originally named "Nichiren Shoshu of America" instead of "Soka Gakkai"?
The origin of and the reason for the name"Nichiren Shoshu of America" (which was later changed ca. 1989 to SGI-USA)
Ikeda tries to copyright "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo"
Video of President TODA exhorting Soka Gakkai members to serve and support the Nichiren Shoshu temples and the Head Temple...
The Authenticity of the Dai-Gohonzon (or lack thereof)
It used to be considered gasp-worthy-shocking to see ANY image of a gohonzon - that was someone's LIFE, people! You aren't allowed to photograph it! You're only allowed to worship it!! (What else did you think "chanting to" it meant??) - mention of the wooden gohonzons Ikeda commissioned and bestowed on his own authority
This analysis absolutely destroys Nichiren Buddhism
Another analysis that destroys Nichiren Buddhism
Letting in a little more sunshine - destruction of Sho-Hondo
Who had the most to gain from SGI's excommunication from the Temple?
SGI members are supposed to follow Ikeda's vision - because he's supposedly their "mentor". So why did Ikeda go against his own mentor's vision?
When Ikeda + SG/SGI got excommunicated by the temple, they had to create a new religion.
The true focus of SGI leaders: “Nichiren Daishonin was a great influence but now it's time to move on to the superior teachings of the Soka Gakkai and the Three Presidents.”
Look! A NEW SGI doctrine! The doctrine of the 50th convert!!!
"We've just got 20 years to go." EPIC FAIL!!!
The country of Ghana outlawed the SGI as a religious organization that failed to obey strict laws implemented to protect citizens from cultish religions with no elections or means to oust corrupt org. leaders. (source - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgV0AqKQs6E)
Racist Ikeda kicked entire nation of black Ghana members out of organization for resisting SGI's illegal attempt to replace Ghana's native African leader with Japanese leader.
An overview of SGI-owned properties and their values as of 2004
Tokyo Tax Office Reveals Ikeda's Huge Income paid by SGI. Plus, at least $40 million a year paid to SGI vice-presidents.
The danger of SGI leaders presuming they are qualified to give guidance to people about their problems
What is the significance of sgi leadership?
Chanting/Praying as Self-Medicating
Can chanting encourage an endorphin addiction?
"Shocked with the high level of mental disorders among SGI members" - a psychiatrist SGI member
Religions are nothing but escapism. SGI included.
SGI members want others to think their organization's obscene wealth comes from selling publications, even when SGI's own financial guy clarifies it's almost all contributions from members - includes partial list of Soka Gakkai-controlled businesses
More proof that Daisaku Ikeda doesn't have the slightest understanding of Buddhism
SGI is a slave religion no different from Christianity
Supersessionism: Yet another of SGI's similarities to Christianity
On religious groups unduly influencing politics through getting out the vote
SGI-USA promotes a "Prosperity Gospel" just like the Pentecostals'.
"Name It and Claim It” Style of Buddhism Called America’s Fastest Growing Religion (article from sometime between 1986 and 1989)
NICHIREN SHOSHU BUDDHISM, MYSTICAL MATERIALISM FOR THE MASSES (and it's only gotten worse since it turned into the Ikeda Cult aka "SGI")
Why did Nichiren focus his animosity especially on the Pure Land/Nembutsu school?
Why Nichiren's "prophecies" do not count as such. Things did not happen as Nichiren predicted - not at all. - Nichiren possibly spy on Sado re: Mongol movements on Korean peninsula
Yakuza culture: See if you can see the similarities to Toda and Ikeda
Korean yakuza Daisaku Ikeda's SGI/Komeito amassed wealth & power via organized crime, political corruption, illegal drugs, money-laundering, N. Korea, & Bush's CIA. (part 1)
Daisaku Ikeda, the Soka Gakkai, and the North Korean drug trade
Is There An Ikeda/Korean/Yakuza Drug Connection?
More rumors about Soka Gakkai's yakuza ties - and CIA patronage - re: strongman military dictator of Panama Manuel Noriega
Daisaku Ikeda with his good friend, the criminal dictator Manuel Noriega
Chilling indictment of Daisaku Ikeda by Tsugio Ishida, 1992
"As an eternal principle, the Soka Gakkai will never ask for even the tiniest contribution of offering from the members." - Daisaku Ikeda
Oh hurray - May is Contribution Month!
SGI transparency - money and contributions, financial transparency
The Value of a Grandfather Figure By: Ms. Polly Toynbee
Why Did Ikeda Quit? by Daniel A. Metraux (1980)
Personal Disclaimer (from proudtainten)
Faith Healing in SGI is just as bogus as it is in all religions that scam their members.
Sept 1 LB Review: SGI in the Faith Healing Business
Brainwashing gone too far. - bogus faith healing etc.
Principles and Techniques of Hypnosis Employed By The SGI (to achieve subtle & effective mind control)
Independent thinking among sgi members
9 Stages Commonly Encountered By Cult Members
What convinced you to leave SGI?
Is SGI really a dangerous cult? Here's yet another experience that proves it is. - the drunk on the bus
How we delude ourselves by creating intent-connections from coincidences
A Thread All About ME!! ME ME ME!!
Is it ever okay to demand that the government murder rival priests and burn their temples to the ground? (aka "R U A Pinhead??")
Was Nichiren really a "terrorist"?? He never harmed anyone personally.
Dissecting The Master, Nichiren's Rhetoric - a Darwinist approach.
Dissecting The Master, Nichiren's Rhetoric (part II)
Dissecting The Master (part III) Nichiren in bed with Shinto
Dissecting the Master (part IV) Nichiren’s humble opinions on Hansen’s disease*
Dissecting the Master (part V) Nichiren as a theoretical proponent.
Here is an example of the hard-sell recruiting tactics "Try it for 100 days" and "or I'll return my own Gohonzon".
SGI-USA's scandalously low member retention rates: just 5%. A measly 5%.
An interesting confirmation of SGI's low numbers
Hundreds of Thousands Have Quit SGI to Return to Nichiren Shoshu
Crisis for SGI: The Independent Reassessment Group (IRG)
SGI/Nichirenism = Monotheism
Are the UK stat's (2010) lying to us?
Ever notice that there is nothing that can ever show that the SGI/Ikeda have done/are doing anything wrong?
Ever notice how, apparently, Daisaku Ikeda can NEVER do ANYTHING wrong?
Daisaku Ikeda boycotts President Toda's widow's funeral because she remained a Nichiren Shoshu member after Ikeda et. al. were excommunicated
"By the way, Ikeda’s intense body odor is ghastly." - Ikeda the rapist
"None of these individuals who have commented negatively about the SGI or President Ikeda have ever spent a moment in reading about the history of our movement nor have they read any of President Ikeda’s writings."
Can differences in cultural expectations account for divergent observations: "accomplished and respected" vs. "vain and cheap"?
Within REAL Buddhism, it is considered a great sin to take credit for doing good. Or for doing anything!
Interesting how Ikeda claims sole credit for things that really could only have come about with many people's efforts
Remember, this isn't arrogant. Not at all. Let me reiterate that: NOT arrogant. TOTALLY not arrogant.
"Continuing Deluded Perceptions of a Former Soka Member" - "pitifully insane" edition
Newsflash: Ikeda never prophesied the fall of the Berlin Wall - magical mentor; Sensei is always there for us when we need him - Ikeda's the Great Pumpkin
Establishing World Peace? SGI failing miserably! Report indicates only 11 countries out of 195 are free of conflict.
The use of the daimoku chant, "Nam myoho renge kyo", predates Nichiren - but Nichiren still wants to claim originality!
Chanting the August title of the Lotus Sutra - Daimoku practices outside the Nichiren context - from /Buddhism
Assimilation: How being expected/pressured to conform to pre-existing norms destroys individuality and agency
The exponential growth of the SGI stopped no later than 1972
Time to talk about the Soka Gakkai's claims about Prez Toda's "vision" of converting 750,000 households
Fortune babies and destiny of depression
What should I do? - (mis)fortune baby
Feeling badass posting here mid meeting - (mis)fortune baby
"Is Your Religion Your Financial Destiny?"
1960s research shows Soka Gakkai members more likely to report having "no friends"
Why having a goal of converting others necessarily interferes with forming real relationships
Friendship with those in SGI
Why do the SGI-USA's repeated campaigns to acquire "A Million Friends of the SGI" fail over and over?
"Let's face it. Nichiren Buddhists are terrible company."
Maintaining friendships with SGI members
Addiction to chanting/SGI is fundamentally a bonding behavior born of desperation, isolation, and/or loneliness.
So how does chanting become a habit - backstabbed by fellow members ("friends") after leaving SGI
Cult Checklist
Cult leader hobbies: Collecting honorary degrees, "Official [insert name here] Day"s, "Peace Prizes". And being a self-published writer!!
Forbes Magazine's Sept. 6, 2004, article "Sensei's World"
"Jealous Lies of Corrupt Journalists" - what the mainstream press has to say about Soka Gakkai and Ikeda
What's up with Walter? - SGI's own home-grown international pedophile on the FBI's Most Wanted list
"Peaceful" sgi supports the US going to war in Iraq
An example of the SGI's grotesque hypocrisy
Nichiren Shu was the first Nichiren sect in the USA
Soka University faculty - SGI members or not?
Chapman University students drink the SGI Kool-Aid
Look! Whatever the higher-ups have already approved may be voted on! How democratic is THAT??
The WT surpasses 50,000 subscriptions! Really?
Ikeda is both elegant and eloquent!
Why isn't Daisaku Ikeda doing shakubuku?
Dialogue: I do not think that word means what Tariq Hasan thinks it means
The religious always promote "dialogue" - until they try it in real life
Dialogue? SGI don't need no steenking dialogue!
My way of seeing it - an SGI hostile took it upon himself to lay a troothbomb on us
Interesting journalistic piece from 1997
SGI lost 90% of its membership between 1989 and 1997
SGI-USA losing members, having to resort to creative accounting just to claim numbers
The Incredible Shrinking Cult - Will SGI Join Scientology As One Of The Fastest Shrinking Cults?
Interesting journalistic piece from 1997: apparently members have been jumping ship for a long time
Invitation to debate thread - if an SGI member wins, we will all convert
Tina Turner is NOT an SGI member - she wisely refused to meet Ikeda while on tour in Japan!
More of Josei Toda's Buddhist'y enlightened remarks. - the significance of Toda riding on a white horse
"This isn't a creed; these are basic natural laws of life. It's growing. It's in a hundred and sixty-five countries. Translated into fifty languages! It's the fastest-growing religion." - Scientology
The SGI's pet scholars
SGI's two focus countries, USA and Brazil, have rapidly growing prison industries, locking up loads of citizens, since SGI arrived
Daisaku Ikeda's application for a visa to Brazil turned down in 1974
submitted by BlancheFromage to ExSGISurviveThrive [link] [comments]

Book Kenny Omega Staying in NJPW - Chapter Two: Redemption (Ape)

Part One Here!

After his speech at the G1 Supercard in New York, Kenny Omega makes it clear that while he very much has aspirations for his singles career, he wants to do more of what he was unable to as Heavyweight Champion, and work alongside his friends and stablemates, something that clearly worked against Bullet Club. He says on Twitter that Hangman has obligations on the first Road to Dontaku show, but he and the Young Bucks are free, leading to a reply from Tetsuya Naito simply saying "LOS INGOBERNABLES de JAPON." This all sets the stage for a blockbuster six man tag on the Road to Wrestling Dontaku, pitting The Elite against LIJ's Tetsuya Naito, EVIL and SANADA.

Road to Wrestling Dontaku, Night One
The Elite (Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks) vs LIJ (Tetsuya Naito, SANADA and EVIL)
LIJ are out first, Naito being followed by his stablemates as the crowd shows their support. He's still aching from his loss to Kota Ibushi, and missing his Intercontinental Title, but he looks to rebound alongside his partners by defeating an old G1 foe in Kenny Omega, and dispatching of the Young Bucks as potential challengers for EVIL and SANADA's IWGP Tag Team Titles, who won the belts at the Supercard. They're followed out by the Elite, who look ready to rumble after a successful night at MSG, and the proceedings start with SANADA and Omega, a rerun of their New Japan Cup bout.
SANADA knows where he slipped up last time against Omega, and takes the fight to Kenny before Kenny can take it to him, running out of the gates with a forearm smash, followed by a German Suplex, but Kenny lands on his feet, only for SANADA to nail a superkick and a SAITO SUPLEX THAT CONNECTS! Omega scrambles to his feet, but SANADA throws him to LIJ's corner to prevent a tag, hauling Kenny up onto the top rope before heading up to the second, raining punches down before tagging in Naito.
Kenny doesn't see the tag, dropping down from the ropes to get underneath the Cold Skull before RUNNING THE LENGTH OF THE RING, POWERBOMBING SANADA INTO A DOUBLE ENZIGURI BY MATT AND NICK! Both Bucks rush into the ring as Naito tries to attack Kenny, and Omega ducks, Naito getting NAILED WITH A TANDEM SUPERKICK! Nick runs and superkicks EVIL for good measure as Omega goes to work on Naito.
Omega wears Naito down with a dropkick to the back of the neck, knowing it's sore after the match with Ibushi, and looks for a Piledriver, only for EVIL to tag Naito's foot, keeping the Omega/Naito interaction from going too long. EVIL rushes in and blindsides Omega with a huge body splash before connecting with a body slam for two, pulling Omega up by the hair for a DISCUS LARIAT! ONE! TWO! NICK BREAKS IT UP WITH A 450, ONLY TO GET HIT WITH A DARKNESS FALLS!
Matt enters the fray despite EVIL and Omega being legal, hitting a superkick on EVIL, only for SANADA to kick out his leg and LOCK IN A SKULL END! Omega starts to get up to his feet, as does Nick, and they SANDWICH SANADA'S HEAD WITH A SUPERKICK! Omega finally makes the tag on Nick, who rushes in with a double axehandle on SANADA, a superkick on EVIL and a MOONSAULT TO THE FLOOR FOR NAITO!
Nick rolls back in, and throws another superkick at SANADA, WHO CATCHES THE FOOT FOR AN ANKLE LOCK! Nick is screaming, and Kenny interferes with a V Trigger to send The Cold Skull to the outside, only for NAITO TO HIT A GLORIA ON OMEGA! MATT CONNECTS WITH A SPEAR ON NAITO! It's utter carnage, Nick and EVIL fighting to their feet as the legal men, and EVIL hits a forearm smash on Matt to finally clear the ring before LOCKING IN A BANSHEE MUZZLE ON NICK!
EVIL has it in tight, but it's Omega who makes the save, going for a Croyt's Wrath on EVIL after breaking up the submission attempt, only to get grabbed by Naito. Naito shakes his head, Omega not getting away that easy, and GOES FOR A DESTINO, ONLY TO GET CAUGHT BY OMEGA IN A LAWN DART POSITION... LAUNCHES NAITO HEADLONG INTO THE CORNER! SANADA leaps in with a missile dropkick attempt and eats a V Trigger, and Nick tells Matt to haul EVIL up as Nick scrambles ot the apron... MELTZER DRIVER! ONE! TWO! THREE! THE ELITE KNOCK OFF LIJ!
The Elite (Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks) def. LIJ (Tetsuya Naito, SANADA and EVIL) (16:40)
After such a huge win, and after knocking off Bullet Club in the elimination match at the New Japan Cup Finals, Omega and the bucks make their next goal clear - they want the record for most NEVER Six Man Title reigns, and they're going to get their third at the expense of Bullet Club.
Omega goes on a tangent, saying that in only two matches as a stable since coming back they've proven themselves better than anyone - "Bullet Club, LIJ, CHAOS, Suzuki-gun." The Bucks all nod along, despite likely just making themselves some enemies, and send out the challenge - The Elite vs Bullet Club for the NEVER Titles on Night Five of Road to Wrestling Dontaku - and the G.O.D and Taiji Ishimori accept.

Road to Wrestling Dontaku, Night Five
Bullet Club (G.O.D. and Taiji Ishimori) (c) vs The Elite (Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks) for the NEVER Openweight Six Man Titles
Out first are the Elite, the Bucks and Omega being accompanied by Hangman Adam Page to the ring. The Guerillas of Destiny are out next alongside the Bone Soldier, touting their Six Man Titles around their waists as they get to the ring, music booming alongside the cold reception. However, they stop on the apron, and out come Gedo, Jado, Chase Owens and Bad Luck Fale, ready to make sure Bullet Club keep the advantage numbers-wise.
Bullet Club all warm up in their corner, Tanga Loa electing to start, while the Elite confer about the four managers their opponents brought out. Matt can be seen saying "let's just beat the fuck outta them," and Nick rolls his eyes at the brash response to the problem. Kenny agrees with Matt, and Hangman grabs a chair before justifying it as being "just in case," leaving a disgruntled Nick to enter the ring and start things off.
Nick tries to chop down the legs of the much larger Loa early on, but Tanga just back him up into the corner and cuts the ring in half, pounding him with hard shots to the midsection to wear down the high flyer. He goes for a powerbomb, and Nick drops down for a superkick, knocking Loa into his G.O.D. partner for the tag. Tama Tonga comes out with a high chop to the throat and a Stinger Splash in the corner, relishing in the control before again tagging in Tanga and going for a MAGIC KILLER, BUT OMEGA RUSHES IN WITH A LARIAT ON TONGA!
Loa goes after Omega, and Kenny runs around the ring, being chased by both Loa and Ishimori, bringing them right into a TANDEM SUICIDE DIVE BY THE YOUNG BUCKS! Kenny rolls Nick in and tags in, rushing in with a V TRIGGER ON TONGA! He picks him up for a One Winged Angel, but Tonga starts raining punches down, dropping down and rolling from the ring to talk to Gedo. Meanwhile, Taiji Ishimori creeps up behind Omega while the ref talks to Tama, and HITS A TIGER FEINT KICK! Omega falls over and Ishimori rushes up for a 450, but the ref yells at him up top as Tonga RUSHES IN WITH A PAIR OF BRASS KNUCKLES!
Omega is still getting to his feet, and the ref is distracted, with both Bucks still down from the dive. Tonga might get away with a shot from the knuckles, but HANGMAN BLASTS HIM WITH THE CHAIR! HE ABSOLUTELY BRAINED HIM! The rest of Bullet Club storm the ring and eat chairshots as well, the Young Bucks rolling in and running interference with superkicks as the referee screams, although not knowing anyone in the match was involved, He throws out Hangman and Bullet Club, but everyone is down except for the Elite! Omega hauls Tama Tonga up in an electric chair, and BOTH BUCKS HIT A DOUBLE SUPERKICK, OMEGA CAPPING IT WITH A ONE WINGED ANGEL! Tanga Loa is stopped by the Bucks as he tries to break up the pin, and OMEGA SCORES THE THREE! THE ELITE JUST OUT BULLET CLUBBED BULLET CLUB TO WIN THE SIX MAN TITLES!
The Elite (Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks) def. Bullet Club (G.O.D. and Taiji Ishimori) (11:12) to win the NEVER Openweight Six Man Titles
After the bout, it's interview time, and Kenny, having now gotten himself back on track, is settling into the role of epic, shit-talking troll that he's just oh so good in. He tells Bullet Club that the Elite left for a reason, and then starts trashing other stables. "First things first, Tanahashi, I'm coming for you, my man. You can't get away with all your faux 'old school' bullshit anymore. I see through it, I see through you, and when the time comes, I'll be there to kick your ass back to the Golden Age. But for now, we've got some nice hardware, huh? You know, we left Bullet Club for a reason. We're called the Elite for a reason. We're better than the Club, we're better than main unit, better than CHAOS, LIJ... and what the fuck is Suzuki-gun still a thing for?"
That final namedrop gets the attention of Zack Sabre Jr, fresh off a tag win alongside Taichi and El Desperado. Zack charges into the audience room and slaps Omega in the face, causing Kenny, the Bucks, and Hangman to all leap up, but Suzuki-gun get up in their grills to keep them away as Omega and Sabre go face to face. "You want to talk about how you're a big man, huh? Face it, Tanahashi NEUTERED you! You know who's beaten Tanahashi? ME. You know who you couldn't beat clean? ME. Don't you DARE talk down about us. You want to show you're 'Kenny Omega, the Best Bout Machine?' Show me. I know that your Elite friends won't be in Nagoya for Sengoku Lord, but I will. Face me, one on one, Kenny, and we'll see who's truly Elite." Sabre storms out, throwing chairs and water bottles as he goes, and Kenny chuckles to himself before heading off to celebrate with the Bucks and Hangman on their record-tying victory.

Sengoku Lord in Nagoya
Kenny Omega vs Zack Sabre Jr
Sabre is out first, having shown a more aggressive demeanor than his usual rage-filled responses to failed strategies. He's the one to challenge Omega here, so there's a lot to prove, and he still looks more ready than usual as Kenny hits the scene. Last time these two faced off, Kenny had to resort to a roll up to win, and now Zack knows him even better, arguably giving Sabre the advantage heading in. The Best Bout Machine is still confident as ever, but is firmly the good guy against ZSJ, high fiving audience members and the like on the way down. He gets in the ring and does his theatrics, the whole time being flipped off by Sabre. Kenny hops down and comes nose to nose with the Windy Man, talking trash before being backed up to his own corner for the bell to ring.
Kenny keeps trashing ZSJ as the two circle each other like sharks, Sabre waiting for Kenny to make a move. Omega knows that the bulk of Sabre's submission capability comes from his legs, so he eventually shoots for his right, only for Sabre to spin around and TRY AND ROLL OMEGA UP! Kenny kicks out at two, but Zack goes straight into an armbar, Kenny scrambling to free himself as quickly as possible, handstanding and sliding his legs under Sabre's arms for a SUNSET PIN! ONE! TWO! SABRE KICKS OUT!
Zack rolls out of the ring and kicks the barricade repeatedly, screaming obscenities as he goes, while Kenny leans against the ropes, asking if he's done. Zack tells Kenny to fuck himself, and rolls into the ring. Omega tells him he can have the first move, and Sabre goes for a discus forearm, which Omega ducks, throwing a side kick to the body which Zack catches, swinging the leg back and connecting with the forearm all the same. He goes for a German on Kenny, but Omega flips over and goes for one of his own, only for Sabre to slide between his legs and trip him up with a drop toehold, LOCKING IN AN ORIENTEERING WITH NAPALM DEATH! Omega punches Sabre's limbs to try and free himself up, and eventually slides under himself and rolls free, kicking Zack in the jaw with his free leg to get out of the hold.
Now it's Omega who's pissed, and he charges at Zack, who throws a high kick which Omega ducks, only for SABRE TO SPIN ROUND AND KICK OUT THE LEG! Kenny drops to a knee and eats a boot to the face, and then gets NAILED WITH A PENALTY KICK FOR A NEARFALL! Sabre goes for an Indian Deathlock, but he doesn't have it fully, and Kenny manages to heave his own weight to the ropes quickly, rolling to the apron and hitting an enziguri on ZSJ. He looks for a springboard dropkick, but Sabre scouts it, jumping aside and hitting a forearm smash before SHOOTING FOR AN ARTICLE 50! Omega is in a lot of pain, his arm being torn apart, but torques Sabre's knee into forcing a release, both men rolling away, tired.
Omega's up first, and he throws a V Trigger with his good leg, but Sabre has it scouted, hitting Kenny with a kick to the stomach to go for a Zack Driver. Kenny hops over, and HITS A REVERSE FRANKENSTEINER, ONLY FOR SABRE TO HANDSPRING OUT! SABRE WITH A SUPERKICK TO THE BACK OF THE NECK! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT, AND SABRE GOES STRAIGHT INTO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE! He's got it in tight, and Kenny might be forced to tap here... he pounds on the mat, trying to rally the crowd in his favour as he slowly gets to a knee, then a vertical base... Kenny wraps the head, and CONNECTS WITH A BRAINBUSTER! BOTH MEN DOWN!
Kenny is exhausted, but picks Sabre up for a One Winged Angel all the same. He throws the leg back, and SABRE SHIFTS HIS WEIGHT, LOCKING HIS LEGS AND SPINNING INTO A TRIANGLE CHOKE! OMEGA COULD BE FADING! He tries for a powerbomb, but doesn't have the strength to pick Sabre up, and Sabre TURNS IT INTO AN ARMBAR, FREEING UP AN ARM TO BATTER OMEGA! Omega falls to a knee, and then falls flat, howling in agony... but HE SLIPS HIS ARM OUT! V TRIGGER! Sabre is dazed... V TRIGGER INTO THE ROPES! He's got a bad arm, but he can handle it as he picks Sabre up... CROYT'S WRATH ATTEMPTED, BUT SABRE LANDS ON HIS FEET! Sabre jumps up... CRUCIFIX COVER! ONE! TWO! KENNY KICKS OUT, BUT SABRE ROLLS INTO ANOTHER SMALL PACKAGE... ONE! TWO! THREE! ZACK SABRE JR PINS KENNY OMEGA THE SAME WAY OMEGA BEAT HIM A YEAR AGO!
Zack Sabre Jr def. Kenny Omega (18:54)
After the match, Kenny sits in the corner, disappointed in himself, and stares down Sabre, who... extends a hand? Omega gets up by himself, not knowing what Sabre could have planned, but SABRE HITS A KICK TO THE BAD KNEE! The bell is frantically rung as Kenny writhes, and out comes Minoru Suzuki, ready to hand Omega's ass to him for trashing his stable. Suzuki savours it as he stomps on Kenny's leg, knowing the Elite aren't on this leg of the tour, and hauls Kenny up for a Gotch Style Piledriver, when...
IBUSHI RUSHES TO THE RING AND CLEANS HOUSE! MISSILE DROPKICK TO SABRE! GOLDEN STAR POWERBOMB ON SUZUKI! Zack is stirring... KAMIGOYE! SUZUKI-GUN HAVE BEEN SENT PACKING BY THE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION! Ibushi looks at a battered and bruised Kenny Omega, and extends a hand, just like Sabre... but again, Kenny doesn't take it.
He grabs a microphone from a ringside technician, and says "Ibushi... you haven't talked to me since Tanahashi, and I get it. You idolize him, and you didn't like the fact that I wanted to take the fight to him. But I still do, Ibushi. So I appreciate the fact that you wanted to come to my aid, but... I can't, in good conscience, let you go through that again. Until I'm done with Tanahashi, I can't do that to you, man." Ibushi, sans microphone, walks to Omega and points a finger in his chest, saying "Watashi wa kore no tame ni anata to issho ni imasu."
Omega looks to Ibushi, and thinks for a moment, before HUGGING HIM! THE GOLDEN LOVERS ARE REUNITED ONCE AGAIN! IBUSHI AND OMEGA ARE TOGETHER ONCE MORE! Confetti rains from the sky as the two embrace, once again partners.
It's announced that at Wrestling Dontaku, Night One, the main event will see the Golden Lovers reunite to take on Minoru Suzuki and Zack Sabre Jr., while, on Night Two, they'll go head to head with Shingo Takagi and a vengeful Tetsuya Naito.

Wrestling Dontaku, Night One
Golden Lovers vs Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki and Zack Sabre Jr)
Suzuki-gun enter first, Suzuki and Sabre uncharacteristically not being accompanied by the rest of their stable, opting instead to show Omega and Ibushi who's boss by taking the boots to them the old fashioned way, with no tricks. The Golden Lovers theme hits, and the crowd come unglued as Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi walk out on stage, Ibushi with his Intercontinental Title and Kenny with his NEVER Six Man strap. The bell rings, with Omega and Suzuki starting things off.
Kenny's knee has had time to heal up, so he's pretty fresh heading in, as is Suzuki. However, the daunting Suzuki still strikes fear in Kenny, who almost tries to avoid eye contact as the two go face to face. Minoru stands toe to toe with Kenny, who still looks away, and hits a tremendous chop on the Cleaner. Kenny flies back into his corner, seemingly wanting to tag out, but Ibushi tells him he can do it. Omega nods, heading back to the centre of the ring and absorbing another chop before DELIVERING ONE OF HIS OWN! Suzuki roars, and Kenny keeps the pressure on, chop after chop after chop landing before hitting a Hadouken to the face, and going for a KOTARO KRUSHER, WHICH SUZUKI CATCHES, DELIVERING A SUPLEX!
Suzuki tags in Sabre, and Zack goes straight to work on a recovering Omega, rushing the ropes to deliver a HUGE PK! ONE! TWO! KENNY KICKS OUT! Sabre locks in a chinlock, but Kenny slides out and goes for a V Trigger, which Sabre avoids before going for a Tiger Suplex, but Kenny escapes and looks for a superkick, only for Zack to catch the foot, so Omega goes for a back heel kick, and Sabre ducks, throwing a forearm that Kenny avoids... both men run the ropes and hit DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES! THEY KNOW EACH OTHER SO WELL!
Both men struggle to their corners, and THEY BOTH MAKE THE TAG! Suzuki sprints out of the corner with a head of steam, but Ibushi ducks, running the ropes and delivering a huge running hurricanrana, stacking Suzuki up for a nearfall! Minoru springs up and connects with a HUGE FOREARM! Ibushi absorbs it and fires back, before the TWO START GOING BLOW FOR BLOW! The two scream as they strike, neither budging an inch before IBUSHI HITS A KICK TO THE MIDSECTION! 24 SAI POWERBOMB! ONE! TWO! SABRE KICKS IBUSHI IN THE HEAD TO BREAK IT UP, AND GETS BLASTED WITH A V TRIGGER! Omega throws ZSJ out of the ring, and Ibushi low bridges Suzuki to send him out as well. They nod to each other... GOLDEN TRIANGLE MOONSAULTS TO THE OUTSIDE ON BOTH MEN! THE GOLDEN LOVERS IN PERFECT FORM!
Ibushi sends Suzuki back in and tags Omega, who heads up top for a 450 SPLASH! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Omega pulls Suzuki up, measuring his distances for a V TRIGGER! Hauls him up... AOI SHOUDOU! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT AGAIN! Omega chuckles, no longer scared with his friend in his corner, and looks for a Doctor Bomb, only for SABRE TO PULL SUZUKI OFF KENNY'S SHOULDERS! Kenny V Triggers Suzuki out of ZSJ's hands, and then picks up Sabre, hitting a YOU CAN'T ESCAPE! He calls for Ibushi to head up, and IBUSHI HITS A 450, FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER MOONSAULT BY OMEGA!
Suzuki struggles to his feet and gets decapitated by Ibushi with a roundhouse, and Omega picks him up for a One Winged Angel... SUZUKI SLIDES OFF AND LOCKS IN THE SLEEPER! Ibushi tries to pull Suzuki off his partner, but Zack picks Ibushi's leg and LOCKS IN ARTICLE 50! Both Omega and Ibushi are in trouble, and Omega's quickly fading... Ibushi struggles to a knee, but can't seem to shake ZSJ... OMEGA LEAPS UP AND DIVES ONTO SABRE, USING SUZUKI AS A WEAPON! Sabre's flattened, and Ibushi picks him up... GOLDEN STAR POWERBOMB! Omega and Suzuki are still legal, and a purple Omega hits a lariat, before calling Ibushi over. The two call for it... GOLDEN TRIGGER! ONE! TWO! THREE! THE GOLDEN LOVERS ARE VICTORIOUS IN THEIR RETURN!
Golden Lovers def. Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki and Zack Sabre Jr) (20:01)

Wrestling Dontaku, Night Two
Golden Lovers vs LIJ (Tetsuya Naito and Shingo Takagi)
Los Ingobernables are out first, Naito and the daunting, undefeated in singles action Takagi making their way to the ring to try and exact some vengeance on Intercontinental Champ Ibushi and his partner Omega. The Golden Lovers come out to a warm reception, posing on the turnbuckles before heading in, deciding on Ibushi and Naito starting things off. The bell rings, and the crowd all hold their breath for the inevitability that someone's neck is going to explode.
Naito and Ibushi lock up, and Naito instantly tries to shove Ibushi to the ropes. Ibushi tumbles to the apron, and Naito hits a knee to the gut, pushing Ibushi against the ring post. He throws a few shots to the gut, and winds up for one more, but IBUSHI LEAPS OUT OF THE WAY, CAUSING NAITO TO PUNCH THE POST! Naito holds his hand and yelps, but he has no time to recover as Ibushi dropkicks his legs out from under him, running up onto the apron and LOOKING FOR A GERMAN TO REPAY THE FAVOUR TO NAITO, ONLY FOR SHINGO TO CHECK HIM OFF THE APRON INTO THE ANNOUNCER'S AREA!
Kenny looks on in horror at this absolute beast who just jetted his partner a good ten feet, and Naito clutches his hand before rolling to the floor to grab Ibushi. Naito pulls Ibushi up by the hair, with Kota on the commentary table, and then gets up on it himself, Ibushi throwing wild haymakers that Naito manages to avoid before setting up for a Destino. Omega shakes his head, not about to let this happen, and HITS A V TRIGGER ON SHINGO, LAUNCHING PAST TO THE OUTSIDE! He dashes to commentary and SPRINGBOARDS OFF THE BARRICADE WITH A FLYING V TRIGGER TO NAITO, BOTH MEN FLYING DEEPER INTO THE ARENA!
Omega yells at Kota to get Naito back in, and Kota manages to drag El Ingobernable back to the ring, looking for a 450 SPLASH, BUT NAITO AVOIDS! GLORIA BY TETSUYA NAITO! ONE! TWO! KOTA POWERS OUT! An exhausted Naito goes over to Shingo and makes the tag, and the absolute tank of a man steps into the ring, looming over Ibushi. He hauls the Golden Star up, and Ibushi quickly goes to the leg, kicking it over and over before CONNECTING WITH A TORNADO DDT, BUT SHINGO SPRINGS UP! Ibushi is in awe and charges at Shingo, who NAILS A SHOULDER TACKLE, ONLY FOR IBUSHI TO KIP UP! LARIAT TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD BY SHINGO! Runs the ropes... PUMPING BOMBER! ONE! TWO! OMEGA BREAKS IT UP!
Ibushi is gasping for breath after Shingo's onslaught, but Naito goes straight after Omega, trying to keep him from aiding his partner by CONNECTING WITH A WHEEL KICK TO THE CROWN OF THE SKULL! Shingo picks Ibushi up for the Last of the Dragon, but IBUSHI COUNTERS INTO A DRAGON SLEEPER! He tightens it, trying to wear Takagi down, but SHINGO TURNS IT INTO A POWERSLAM, RAMMING IBUSHI INTO THE CORNER WITH A DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!
Kota's hacking up a lung, having not tagged out in over fifteen minutes, and Shingo's got control, muscling him up for a Last of the Dragon, only for IBUSHI TO DROP DOWN! ROUNDHOUSE! Shingo's down to a knee, and OMEGA FLIES IN WITH A V TRIGGER BEFORE TAKING OUT NAITO! Omega runs to his apron, cheering on Ibushi, and KOTA MAKES THE TAG! Omega comes in like a man possessed, hitting three successive V Triggers on Shingo before going after Naito with a RISE OF THE TERMINATOR TOPE!
Kenny rolls back in to try and deal with Shingo, picking him up for an AOI SHOUDOU! ONE! TWO! SHINGO KICKS OUT! Kenny goes for a Croyt's Wrath, but SHINGO DROPS DOWN AND HITS A PUMPING BOMBER! Both men are down, and SHINGO MAKES THE TAG! Naito slides in and connects with a Flying Forearm Smash, followed by an EVOLUCION! ONE! TWO! OMEGA STAYS ALIVE! Naito stays calm, and instead picks Omega up for a DESTINO... AND IT CONNECTS! SHOOTS THE HALF! ONE! TWO! IBUSHI BREAKS IT UP WITH A PHOENIX SPLASH, TAKING BOTH MEN OUT!
Shingo goes after Ibushi, but Ibushi ducks and pays homage to his partner by going for a KOTARO KRUSHER, ONLY TO GET LAUNCHED TO THE APRON! Ibushi hits Shingo with an enziguri, and a wounded Omega gets to his feet and HITS A KOTARO KRUSHER ON SHINGO! IBUSHI WITH A SPRINGBOARD 450! OMEGA WITH THE MOONSAULT! Naito is down, and the two HIT A GOLDEN TRIGGER! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Golden Lovers def. LIJ (Tetsuya Naito and Shingo Takagi) (17:57)
After the match, Omega and Ibushi put Shingo over by talking about how there's sure a reason he's unpinned and unsubmitted - even they couldn't put him down for three. However, Omega talks about how with his friends by his side, be it Ibushi or the Bucks - he feels completely unstoppable, and he's glad to know that everyone's got his back again. He says it's a lot easier knowing that he's got people he can lean on, but he's still got to strike out on his own as well - he still wants to team with Ibushi and the Elite, but he's got his own goals to aspire to, and he wants to find himself as a singles guy again after losing to Zack Sabre Jr.
He says that War of the Worlds is coming up, and he wants the best Ring of Honor can offer, to prove that, just like he did to Lethal, he's still got it as a singles star.

ROH/NJPW War of the Worlds 2019
Kenny Omega Open Challenge
Kenny Omega makes his way to the ring, telling the crowd that he'll welcome any and all comers, saying he wants a challenge, someone who will give him that rush that he so desperately loves. He calls out to the back for anyone to come face him, and his challenge is answered by this. Bandido makes his way to the ring, and the two face off for the first time EVER, IN ANY CAPACITY. The commentators hype up his accomplishments to that point - main evented ALL IN, finalist in the BOLA tournament in 2018, pinning Shingo Takagi in the process. He and Omega stare down, the crowd on their feet, and the bell rings.
The two men exchange glares, and, well, the crowd want a maniacal sprint, so let's give it to them. Omega instantly goes after his new opponent, but Bandido low bridges, sending Omega to the apron. Both men get the same idea and go for enziguris, but Bandido CARTWHEELS OVER FOR A SUPERKICK! Omega clutches his jaw as Bandido runs up the ropes like it's second nature, and DIVES OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE APRON FOR A HURRICANRANA TO THE FLOOR, BUT KENNY LANDS ON HIS FEET!
Bandido turns around slowly, Omega with a huge grin on his face for being able to keep pace, and Bandido lunges for a lariat, which Kenny ducks, but BANDIDO HOPS ONTO THE BARRICADE FOR A MOONSAULT PRESS, WHICH OMEGA CATCHES! Picks Bandido up... YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ON THE OUTSIDE, WITH A MOONSAULT OFF THE BARRIER! Kenny rolls Bandido back in, and heads up top himself, trying to outclass the fastest-rising luchador in the world.
Omega sets up for a 450 Splash, but BANDIDO MOVES AND STACKS KENNY UP! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Omega kips up, as does Bandido, and Omega hits a superkick to the knee, only for BANDIDO TO SPRING ONTO HIS HANDS TO AVOID THE IMPACT! Kenny chuckles as Bandido handstands, and then just low superkicks him in the face. Kenny throws Bandido into the corner for a Flash Man's Time Stopper enziguri, and then goes for a Doctor Bomb, only for BANDIDO TO SUNSET FLIP OVER! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT BY OMEGA!
Now it's Bandido in control, and he unleashes a blitz of strikes that leaves Kenny dazed and confused, capping it with a HANDSPRING ENZIGURI! Kenny goes down to a knee, and BANDIDO WITH A SHINING WIZARD THAT'S DUCKED, OMEGA KIPPING UP! V TRIGGER OFF THE REBOUND! Bandido falls to the ropes, and Kenny goes for ANOTHER V TRIGGER, WHICH BANDIDO DODGES! HE GOES FOR THE 24 PLEX THAT'S FINISHED THE LIKES OF SHINGO, BUT KENNY HOLDS ON! Bandido kicks out his hand, and goes for the other, but Kenny breaks Bandido's grip and slides out of the ring to breathe, only to get ANNIHILATED WITH A SPACEMAN PLANCHA!
Bandido sends Omega back in and goes for a springboard missile dropkick, but OMEGA HITS A V TRIGGER OUT OF THE AIR! Bandido's still standing, somehow, and Omega fires his finger gun in tandem with Bandido collapsing to a pop. He picks Bandido up and runs the ropes for a KOTARO KRUSHER, BUT BANDIDO HANDSPRINGS TO AVOID! He's behind Omega and GOES FOR A POISON RANA, BUT OMEGA HOLDS HIS LEGS! HE'S IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR... CROYT'S WRATH BY OMEGA! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!
The Cleaner seems to be calling for a One Winged Angel, and he picks an exhausted Bandido up off the floor, but BANDIDO HITS A PELE KICK! He rushes to the top rope, but OMEGA HITS A V TRIGGER! Kenny heads to the apron, determined to not let Bandido take to the skies, and heads up top from the apron, raining punches on Bandido, but BANDIDO GETS HIM INTO A FALLAWAY SLAM... MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP FOR A REVOLUTION FLY! COVER ON OMEGA FOR A NEARFALL! Bandido picks Kenny up... LAUNCHING HIM INTO THE SKY FOR A GTS! Omega is still on his feet, the verge of collapsing... BANDIDO FIRES A FINGER GUN AS OMEGA TUMBLES TO THE FLOOR!
Bandido def. Kenny Omega (19:59)
On the Dominion promotional tour, Kenny's asked how he feels, since three of his last four singles outings have resulted in losses. He says he's disappointed, but determined. He's going to make it right, however he can, by facing whoever he must to prove that he's still the man to beat. For now, however, he's got to focus on the Elite, as they're defending their Six Man Titles on the last show before Dominion against Tomohiro Ishii and Roppongi 3K.

Best of the Super Juniors Finals
The Elite (c) vs CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii and R3K) for the NEVER Openweight Six Man Titles
The Elite are out first, partying their way to the ring, with Omega looking notably less prepared than usual. He looks to be lacking confidence, and when CHAOS hit the scene, he looks to almost be dreading this defense. It seems the loss to Bandido took a lot out of him, and he even lets Matt Jackson start off against SHO.
SHO and Matt have the usual high-flying technical start, with frantic tags being made between Roppongi 3K and The Young Bucks, both Ishii and Omega staying out of the equation early on. Eventually, it comes down to SHO and Nick, with Matt having leaped out to the floor onto YOH, and SHO gets the upper hand with a Superkick and Hurricanrana, before calling for a Shock Arrow... and OMEGA FINALLY COMES IN TO BREAK THINGS UP! V TRIGGER TO SHO! RISE OF THE TERMINATOR TO THE OUTSIDE TO TAKE OUT YOH! Rolls back into the ring and calls on Nick... HOT TAG MADE TO BOTH OMEGA AND ISHII!
Omega rushes out with a shoulder tackle, but Ishii absorbs it and goes for a lariat, which Omega ducks before sending Ishii into the corner - Ishii catches Omega with a back elbow, but Omega hits a Yakuza Kick! Hauls Ishii up... AOI SHOUDOU! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Big Tom is in a bad way, and Omega has him on the back foot as he throws him into the ropes... ISHII FIRES BACK WITH A HEADBUTT! DDT ON OMEGA! Omega's woozy, and Ishii hauls him up for a Brainbuster, OMEGA KNEEING HIS WAY FREE! He charges for a V Trigger, but ISHII THROWS HIM UP AND HEADBUTTS HIM OUT OF THE SKY!
Ishii picks Omega up for a Driller, but Kenny drives him from the ring, sending both men to the floor, allowing BOTH BUCKS TO HIT A SUPERKICK! Kenny sends Ishii back in and HITS A 450 SPLASH! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Ishii gets up, and Omega goes for a V Trigger, but ISHII HITS A POWERBOMB BEFORE TAGGING IN YOH! YOH rushes in and goes right after Omega with a springboard dropkick, knocking Kenny flat. He picks Kenny up, but KENNY HITS A BRAINBUSTER!
The Elite def. CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii and R3K) (11:09) to retain the NEVER Openweight Six Man Titles
After the match, the Bucks are cheering, and CHAOS head to the back, disappointed. Omega looked to return to form there, and he picks up his title when all of a sudden, some music he truly dreads hits, signalling the arrival of Hiroshi Tanahashi. The Ace makes his way to the ring, and lifts a microphone to his lips, only for OMEGA TO GRAB IT OUT OF HIS HANDS! "I know what you're gonna say... Dominion, right? Well... you're on, Ace."
After the show, Omega has an interview, where he explains that since Wrestle Kingdom, Tanahashi's been the bane of his existence. He's driven a wedge between he and Ibushi, which is why Ibushi won't be accompanying Omega at Dominion, he's been responsible for two of the worst losses of his career at Wrestle Kingdom and in the New Japan Cup, and he's sent him down this long road to failure. Now, at Dominion, he takes back the crown of Ace, no titles on the line, just to prove that he's better.

Kenny Omega vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
Tanahashi is out first, the Ace looking happy as ever at the possibility of beating Omega for the third time that year. He waits for Omega, but it's not the happy go lucky "Battle Cry" Omega that comes out - we bring this back. The crowd are all on their feet in Osaka as Omega makes his way to the ring, truly the Cleaner once more, and stands down with Hiroshi Tanahashi. Both men are alone - just one on one, for pride, at Dominion. The bell rings, and we're underway.
The Ace locks up with the Cleaner for a test of strength. Omega gets Tana down to a knee, only for TANA TO SLAP OMEGA IN THE FACE! Omega scoffs and hits an overhead chop, followed by another knife edge to send Tana into the corner. Omega boots Tana in the stomach, and breaks out the Chainsaw Arms, causing The Ace to clutch his eyes before Omega goes back to business with a high knee and a snap suplex.
Commentary talks about the very real animosity between the two as Omega keeps bringing it to Tanahashi, laying in the strikes before going for an early Aoi Shoudou, which causes Tanahashi to drop down and HIT A CHOP BLOCK! Omega figured Tana would target the knee as he had at Wrestle Kingdom, but it doesn't make it hurt any less as THE ACE HITS A DRAGON SCREW! Omega pounds the mat but springs back up, refusing to go down that easily and hits a TONY JAA DOUBLE KNEE! Omega winces at the bad knee but keeps going, sending Tanahashi to the outside for a RISE OF THE TERMINATOR!
Kenny pulls Tanahashi back in by the hair and goes for a One Winged Angel, which Tanahashi SPINS OUT OF WITH A HURRICANRANA! Omega flies up and tries to keep control, but gets hit with a Dragon Screw, followed by a SLING BLADE! Omega falls from the ring... TANAHASHI WITH A DRAGON ROCKET DIVE! Now it's Tana sending Omega in, and he heads up top for a High Fly Flow... CONNECTS WITH A STANDING HIGH FLY FLOW! ONE! TWO! KENNY KICKS OUT!
Hiroshi leaps up and kicks Kenny's knee out, hauling him up for a STYLES CLASH! ONE! TWO! AGAIN KENNY KICKS OUT! Tanahashi is getting pretty far into his box of tricks, and throws Omega into the ropes for another Sling Blade, but OMEGA TURNS IT INTO A SPINNING SIDEWALK SLAM! Omega stumbles to the corner, and HITS A V TRIGGER! He ignores the pain in his knee as much as possible, and HITS ANOTHER V TRIGGER AGAINST THE ROPES! Hauls The Ace up... CROYT'S WRATH! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!
Omega calls for a One Winged Angel, but Tanahashi COUNTERS INTO A DDT! He picks Kenny up and slaps him silly, hitting a TIGER SUPLEX! Omega's down on his face, and TANAHASHI GOES FOR THE CLOVERLEAF! Omega screams out, and manages to kick Tanahashi off, only to get hit with a SLING BLADE! Tanahashi LOCKS IN THE DRAGON SLEEPER!
Tanahashi has it in deep, and Kenny is crawling, desperate to not let it end like this... he scratches, claws... FINALLY GETTING TO THE ROPES! Tanahashi climbs up top... HIGH FLY FLOW TO THE BACK! COVER ON OMEGA! THIS MUST BE IT... ONE! TWO! THR-OMEGA WON'T DIE! Omega opens his eyes and wildly shakes his head, Tanahashi looking like he's seen a ghost! He picks Omega up for a Twist and Shout, but OMEGA HITS A REVERSE FRANKENSTEINER! RAIN TRIGGER FOR A NEARFALL! DOCTOR BOMB, AGAIN FOR TWO! WHAT DOES OMEGA HAVE TO DO?
Kenny Omega def. Hiroshi Tanahashi (23:23)
Kenny Omega has done it, he's beaten Tanahashi, and the Elite come out alongside Kota Ibushi to help him celebrate his win. He raises his arms high, and finally pulls out the finger gun, the symbolic "bang" being fired at the back to show that Kenny Omega - the Cleaner, the Best Bout Machine - isn't gone just yet.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

Booking the G1 Climax 30 (Part Five: Night Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen and Wrestle Kingdom)

G1 Climax 30, Night 17
Jay White vs Toru Yano
Taichi vs Shingo Takagi
Kota Ibushi vs SANADA
Jon Moxley vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
Kazuchika Okada vs Tomohiro Ishii

Jay White vs Toru Yano
If Jay White wins and both Moxley and Ibushi fall short, White gets to move onto the finals as champion, but first, he has to knock off CHAOS' True Ace, the Bracket Buster, the King of Shrug Style, the man who Hiroshi Tanahashi couldn't beat, Toru Yano. White is cocky heading in despite falling short to Yano last year, and has Gedo on his side to help, armed with a chair. Yano grins at White, and WHITE CHARGES WITH A DROPKICK! Going for a Blade Runner, but YANO SLITHERS OUT AND PUSHES WHITE INTO THE REFEREE! White hits a back elbow on Yano, and grabs the chair from Gedo. He turns to gun for Yano, and lifts the chair over his head, but THE REF PULLS THE CHAIR FROM WHITE'S HANDS! White yells abuse at the referee as the official throws the chair out of the ring, but as his back is turned, YANO HITS WHITE WITH A PAIR OF BRASS KNUCKLES DOWN LOW! ROLLS HIM UP! ONE! TWO! THREE! White springs up, his eyes bulging from his skull, knowing he's been eliminated from the tournament, and MURDERS Yano after a shrug. He hits Blade Runner after Blade Runner after Blade Runner, leaving Yano unable to move before heading to the back, kicking the barricade along the way.
Toru Yano (7) def. Jay White (10) (3:05)

Taichi vs Shingo Takagi
It's a quick match, as Shingo is still in full "fuck you, die" mode ever since being eliminated. Taichi tries to control the beast, but he's quickly overwhelmed and taken care of by Shingo Takagi, who hits THREE SUCCESSIVE PUMPING BOMBERS followed by a LAST OF THE DRAGON for the three count and relatively dominant win, leaving their final points as such:
Shingo Takagi (8) def. Taichi (6) (7:09)

Kota Ibushi vs SANADA
Ibushi has to win this one, as Okada beat him in their match on Night 11. Ibushi is tired, he's worn down, but SANADA isn't gonna let him by easily. The Cold Skull has control for a lot of the contest, keeping the pressure on the Golden Star and shutting down his offense whenever possible, avoiding a Golden Star Powerbomb, Kamigoye and even a Phoenix Splash along the way. Ibushi just can't catch a break, and SANADA eventually manages to lock in a Skull End, sealing Kota's fate. But wait... IBUSHI IS FIGHTING! HE... HE COMES FREE! KICK TO THE SIDE OF THE HEAD BY IBUSHI! IMPALER DDT! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! HERE WE GO... GOLDEN STAR POWERBOMB FOR TWO! Rolls SANADA through... KAMIGOYE DUCKED! SANADA WITH A POWERBOMB OF HIS OWN! The Cold Skull heads up to the high rent district for a Moonsault, but IBUSHI RUNS UP AND HITS A POISON RANA FROM THE TOP ROPE! KAMIGOYE! ONE! TWO! THREE! IBUSHI LEADS A BLOCK ON THE FINAL NIGHT!
Kota Ibushi (12) def. SANADA (8) (21:03)

Jon Moxley vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
Moxley is still in the running, and the IWGP United States Champion is one win away from an automatic victory, having knocked off Ibushi and Okada earlier in the tournament. However, he's up against the Ace in Tanahashi, who isn't in as much of a joking mood after his draw with Toru Yano took him out of contention from the G1. It's do or die for Moxley - either an automatic victory, or automatic elimination. The stakes couldn't be higher for this dream match, and both men fight like their lives depend on it. Moxley hits a Hook and Ladder early for a nearfall and keeps targeting the head of Tanahashi with forearms and slaps to set him up for the Death Rider. Tanahashi keeps firing back, though, and NAILS A SLING BLADE! He runs up top for a High Fly Flow, but MOXLEY CATCHES HIM FOR A DEATH RIDER, ONLY FOR TANA TO REVERSE! SNAP SUPLEX! Tana runs at Mox - DECKED WITH A LARIAT! MOXLEY WITH A KNEE TREMBLER TO THE SKULL! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Mox picks Tanahashi up... DEATH RIDER... TANA FLIPS OVER FOR A SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB! ONE! TWO! THREE! TANAHASHI WITH A SHOCK WIN FROM OUT OF NOWHERE TO ELIMINATE JON MOXLEY FROM THE G1!
Hiroshi Tanahashi (9) def. Jon Moxley (10) (19:49)

Kazuchika Okada vs Tomohiro Ishii
If Okada wins this match, he moves on to the finals of the G1 Climax, and if Ishii manages to pull out a win like he did against Kota Ibushi, Jon Moxley or Shingo Takagi, it'll go to the Golden Star for the second year in a row. It's CHAOS vs CHAOS, and it starts off slow, before gradually heating up as the two start to hit bigger moves, going move for move against one another. Eventually, Ishii manages to get a lead, drilling Okada into the mat with a DDT, followed by a LARIAT TO THE BACK OF THE NECK AND A HEADBUTT! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Okada stumbles to his feet and manages to trip Ishii up, hitting a HUGE DROPKICK! He goes for one more, nailing a MILLION DOLLAR DROPKICK! Okada goes for Red Ink, but ISHII GETS HIS HAND TO THE ROPES! Okada lets go, throws Ishii up off the ground and CATCHES HIM WITH A DISCUS LARIAT! OKADA WITH A BRIDGING TIGER SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT BY ISHII!
Okada picks him up and goes for a Rainmaker, but ISHII GRABS HIS HEAD! VERTICAL BRAINBUSTER! ONE! TWO! THRE-NO! SO CLOSE! SO CLOSE! Ishii can't believe his eyes, and grabs Ishii by the ear, only for OKADA TO HIT A DROPKICK! AIR RAID CRASH! Hauls him up... TOMBSTONE COUNTERED! ISHII DROPS BACK, TRANSITIONING OKADA... ISHII DRILLER! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! NO WAY! HOW?! Ishii picks Okada up, in awe of his resiliency, and OKADA WITH A BACK ELBOW! RAINMAKKKEERRRRR! ONE! TWO! ISHII POWERS OUT! Okada has his head in his hands, having fought his way this far, and grabs the wrist once more... ANOTHER RAINMAKER! ONE! TWO! THREE! KAZUCHIKA OKADA WINS A BLOCK! HE'S GOING TO THE FINALS!
Kazuchika Okada (12) def. Tomohiro Ishii (8) to win A Block (24:07)

G1 Climax 30, Night 18
Minoru Suzuki vs EVIL
Hirooki Goto vs El Phantasmo
Jeff Cobb vs Hiromu Takahashi
Tetsuya Naito vs Zack Sabre Jr
Will Ospreay vs KENTA

Minoru Suzuki vs EVIL
EVIL is hurt after his showdown with Jeff Cobb, and Suzuki is pissed after his match with Zack Sabre Jr fell apart at the seams, his chance at revenge slipping through his fingers for the time being, and he looks to take it out on EVIL. The King of Darkness anticipates this and goes straight for the Darkness Falls out of the gates, but Suzuki is in a REAL shitty mood and throws him to the outside to batter him with a chair before HURLING A YOUNG LION AT EVIL! Suzuki throws EVIL back in, laying in the forearms, and then LOCKS IN THE REAR NAKED CHOKE ON EVIL! EVIL struggles free with a modified stunner, and GOES FOR THE BANSHEE MUZZLE, ONLY FOR SUZUKI TO COUNTER WITH AN ARM DRAG! Kick to the gut... GOTCH STYLE PILEDRIVER! ONE! TWO! THREE! QUICK MESSAGE SENT BY SUZUKI!
Minoru Suzuki (10) def. EVIL (6) (8:19)

Hirooki Goto vs El Phantasmo
Goto and ELP lock up swiftly, Goto trying to push ELP back into the corner, but ELP RAKES THE EYES OUT OF THE GATES! CORNER STOMPS ON GOTO! He rolls Goto to the centre of the ring for a STANDING MOONSAULT FOR TWO! ELP picks Goto up for a CR II, but Goto pushes his way out and DECAPITATES PHANTASMO WITH A SHORT ARMED CLOTHESLINE! Goto goes for the GTR, but Phantasmo drops down... superkick into a Yakuza kick - SPINNING BACKFIST FOLLOWED BY A DDT TO TAKE OUT GOTO! One, two, KICKOUT! ELP heads up top, and NAILS A 450 SPLASH FOR TWO! He grabs Goto's arm, going for a tightrope armdrag, but GOTO TUGS HIM IN FOR A GOTO REVOLUTION! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Hirooki Goto (8) def. El Phantasmo (6) (9:35)

Jeff Cobb vs Hiromu Takahashi
Even though it was entirely out of his control, Takahashi was eliminated from the G1 despite a strong performance against KENTA, and looks to satisfy his bloodlust against a game Jeff Cobb. The former Olympian brings a lot of power to the mix against the Junior Heavyweight Champion, but Hiromu's irrationality and erratic style are hard to gameplan for. Cobb manages to gain control with a MAMMOTH OLYMPIC SLAM FOR TWO, but he goes for a TOUR OF THE ISLANDS ONLY FOR HIROMU TO COUNTER INTO A CANADIAN DESTROYER! TRIANGLE CHOKE IS LOCKED IN! Cobb gets up to his feet and throws Takahashi into the turnbuckles, but HIROMU DRAPES HIMSELF OVER THE ROPES, ADDING TO THE PRESSURE! COBB FALLS OUT ONTO THE APRON! Hiromu is forced to let go, and he gets up onto the middle turnbuckle, facing the apron... CANADIAN DESTROYER ONTO THE APRON ON JEFF COBB! PUSHES HIM BACK INTO THE RING... TRIANGLE IS LOCKED IN! JEFF COBB TAPS OUT!
Hiromu Takahashi (10) def. Jeff Cobb (8) (14:28)

Tetsuya Naito vs Zack Sabre Jr
It's a mandatory win for Tetsuya Naito, but Zack is pretty healthy after letting his stablemates take the brunt of the punishment against Minoru Suzuki, leaving Naito at a distinct disadvantage. Zack ties Naito up in knots early, punishing him with brutal holds, leaving Naito a destroyed heap on the canvas by the ten minute mark. Sabre admires his work, kicking Naito in the gut before going for a Zack Driver... BUT NAITO SLIPS OFF! LIFTS THE ARM... DESTINOOOOO FROM OUTTA NOWHERE! ONE! TWO! SABRE KICKS OUT AND LOCKS IN HYPERNORMALISATION! That was one of the first moves Naito hit, so he wasn't able to keep Sabre down for three and now he's trapped in a disgusting position... SABRE TRANSITIONS TO ARTICLE 50! NAITO'S GONNA HAVE TO TAP! He's wrenching with all he's got, but Naito's fighting free... BREAKS OUT! Goes for Valentia, but it's countered into a ZACK DRIVER! ONE! TWO! THREE! ZACK SABRE JR ELIMINATES TETSUYA NAITO!
Zack Sabre Jr (8) def. Tetsuya Naito (10) (20:48)

Will Ospreay vs KENTA
This one's for all the marbles. The only two men left in B Block, the winner of this one will go on to face Kazuchika Okada in the G1 Finals. They start off slowly, with the pace building quickly to fever pitch as Ospreay tries everything to make his second G1 a successful one. KENTA, however, has every trick up his sleeve, being aided by members of Bullet Club and generally using underhanded tactics. KENTA looks to have the match won about ten minutes in when he BRAINS Ospreay with a Busaiku Knee when Ospreay was dealing with his stablemates, but OSPREAY POWERS OUT! KENTA starts kicking him while he's down, but OSPREAY FIGHTS TO HIS FEET AND HITS A HOOK KICK! DRAGON SUPLEX! ROBINSON SPECIAL! Turns to face Bullet Club... SASUKE SPECIAL TAKES OUT BC! Rolling into the ring and running the ropes... BACK HANDSPRING TO SET UP FOR AN OSCUTTER, BUT KENTA WITH A HIGH ANGLE GERMAN! BRIDGE FOR TWO! Ospreay is woozy, and KENTA NAILS A CORNER DROPKICK ON A SEATED OSPREAY! KENTA picks Will up, Ospreay now bleeding from a cut on the side of his head, and goes for a GTS, ONLY FOR OSPREAY TO DROP DOWN! SUPERKICK! SITOUT POWERBOMB BEFORE HEADING UP TOP... 630 SENTON BY THE AERIAL ASSASSIN! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Goes to the corner for a Hidden Blade, KENTA not knowing what's about to hit him, but KENTA GETS PULLED OUT OF THE RING BY EL PHANTASMO!
Ospreay is seething, and NAILS A CORKSCREW SPACEMAN PLANCHA TO THE OUTSIDE, HITTING EVERYONE BUT KENTA! KENTA WITH A RUNNING KNEE... GO TO SLEEP WITH AN ASSIST FROM THE RING APRON! Rolls Ospreay in, mocking him and soaking in the crowd's detestment, but OSPREAY IS MOVING! KENTA is shocked, and goes for a Running Knee... OSPREAY DROPS DOWN! HIDDEN BLADE ON KENTA! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! NO TIME TO SPARE... STORMBREAKER! STORMBREAKER BY OSPREAY! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOOO! KENTA is the first man to kick out of the Stormbreaker in the G1, and Ospreay is shocked. He has no idea what to do, but he heads to the outside, the Aerial Assassin ready to take flight... PIP PIP CHEERIO, BUT JAY WHITE PULLS THE LEG, HANGING OSPREAY UP ON THE ROPES! KENTA PULLS OSPREAY INTO A FIREMAN'S CARRY - GO TO SLEEP! ONE! TWO! THREE! KENTA WINS B BLOCK! He looks down at Ospreay, the former Junior having put up a hell of a fight, but then comes face to face with Jay White, the man he'll be fighting to challenge. Jay holds up the belt, and KENTA chuckles before giving White a Too Sweet. Bullet Club are a united front heading in against Okada in the finals.
KENTA (12) def. Will Ospreay (12) to win B Block (26:40)

Here are the final standings for the thirtieth G1 Climax, with those bolded being the winner of their block.

Block A Points Block B Points
Okada 12 KENTA 12
Ibushi 12 Ospreay 12
White 10 Naito 10
Moxley 10 Suzuki 10
Tanahashi 9 Takahashi 10
Ishii 8 ZSJ 8
Shingo 8 Goto 8
SANADA 8 Cobb 8
Yano 7 ELP 6
Taichi 6 EVIL 6

G1 Finals
Kazuchika Okada vs KENTA
It all comes down to this. In one corner, it's The Rainmaker, Kazuchika Okada, responsible for one of the longest reigns in NJPW history and arguably the greatest Heavyweight Champion of all time, a man who's had a history with Jay White for years, and in the other, there's KENTA, a man who helped shape wrestling into what it is today, and is now one of White's closest allies as a member of Bullet Club. Both of these men will lay it all on the line - one will be the G1 Climax Winner and main event Wrestle Kingdom 15, and the other won't. The bell rings, and we are underway! They start off slowly, not wanting to have a slip up cost them a match of this caliber.
They work each other over, knowing they have more time on the clock than they did in their normal block matches, and they take a good ten, fifteen minutes until they start pulling out all the stops in search of victory, starting with Bullet Club distracting Okada for long enough for KENTA TO HIT A BUSAIKU KNEE FOR A QUICK NEARFALL! Okada, groggy, fights to his feet but is punished with vicious kicks by KENTA, forcing him back down to the mat. KENTA gloats, slapping Okada across the face before OKADA GRABS THE WRIST AND KIPS UP! KENTA is petrified and tries to kick the arm away, but OKADA GOES FOR A RAINMAKER! KENTA dodges, but OKADA CATCHES HIM WITH A BRIDGING GERMAN ANYWAYS! Okada is on a roll, and takes the fight to KENTA with an AIR RAID CRASH NECKBREAKER! OKADA HEADS UP TOP AND CONNECTS WITH AN ELBOW DROP FOR TWO! KENTA is on the back foot as Okada LOCKS IN DEEP IN DEBT! He cinches it tighter as KENTA struggles, but he BITES OKADA'S ARM TO BREAK FREE! DDT BY KENTA FOR TWO! KENTA connects with a brutal combination, punctuating it with a devastating spinning backfist and a FISHERMAN'S SUPLEX FOR TWO! KENTA picks Okada up, but OKADA HITS A DISCUS LARIAT! He goes for a Tombstone, but El Desperado hops onto the apron, and OKADA KNOCKS HIM OFF AND NAILS A SENTON ATOMICO TO THE FLOOR, TAKING OUT HALF OF BULLET CLUB!
The Rainmaker locks eyes with Jay White, smiling before KENTA HITS A SUICIDE DIVE! White cackles as KENTA rolls Okada back in and hits a DIVING STOMP FOR TWO, following it with a GO TO SLEEP! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT BY OKADA! KENTA is in a state of disbelief but shakes out the cobwebs, grabbing Okada by the hair and punting him in the side of the head repeatedly. He throws Okada into the corner for a dropkick, but OKADA HITS A CLOTHESLINE! TOMBSTONE BY OKADA! GRABS THE WRIST... RAINMAKERRRR! ONE! TWO! THR-KENTA POWERS OUT! Okada goes for Red Ink, but KENTA slides under the bottom rope to safety, only for Okada to venture out onto the apron - KENTA SLIPS HIM UP! KENTA WITH A DOUBLE FOOT STOMP TO OKADA'S SKULL, UP AGAINST THE APRON! G2S BY KENTA INSIDE THE RING! ONE! TWO! OKADA AGAIN KICKS OUT! KENTA HAULS OKADA UP ONE MORE TIME... GO! TO! SLEEP! ONE! TWO! THREE! KENTA WINS THE G1 CLIMAX! KENTA WILL FACE STABLEMATE JAY WHITE FOR THE IWGP HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE IN THE MAIN EVENT OF WRESTLE KINGDOM!
KENTA def. Kazuchika Okada to win the G1 Climax Tournament (37:29)

Wrestle Kingdom 15
NEVER Openweight Title: Shingo Takagi (c) vs Tomohiro Ishii
Ishii, having beaten Shingo in the G1 and impressed in the tourney otherwise, is granted a title match for the belt he's become synonymous with.
IWGP Tag Team Titles: EVIL and SANADA (c) vs Jeff Cobb and Hirooki Goto
Cobb ends up joining CHAOS after they helped him out with Bullet Club, and ends up teaming up with Goto, working their way through the tag matches to a hell of a hoss fight with the tag belts on the line.
IWGP United States Title: Jon Moxley (c) vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
Tanahashi, having beaten Moxley in the G1, extends the challenge for a title that would grant him the closest thing New Japan has to completing the Grand Slam of the Heavyweight, Intercontinental, US and Tag Titles, and Moxley accepts.
IWGP Jr Heavyweight Title: Hiromu Takahashi (c) vs El Phantasmo
ELP knocked off the champ in the G1, and their feud continues in a "do or die" match where ELP either walks out with the gold, ending Hiromu's year long reign, or doesn't challenge Takahashi again.
Kazuchika Okada vs Kota Ibushi
Ibushi is upset that Okada cost him the G1 Finals, and more so that Okada ended up falling short anyways, and challenges him to a rematch, a year to the day after last year's Wrestle Kingdom main event between them.
IWGP Intercontinental Title: Tetsuya Naito (c) vs Will Ospreay
After defeating Naito in the G1 Climax, Ospreay decides to put his past with Takahashi behind him and go after another member of LIJ, hoping to truly cement himself as a heavyweight against the man who won the Double Gold Dash last year.
Minoru Suzuki vs Zack Sabre Jr
Suzuki finally gets his chance to face off with Zack Sabre Jr in ring, in a match where there can be no interference, no disqualifications, and no count-outs as the two former stablemates wage war.
IWGP Heavyweight Title: Jay White (c) vs KENTA
Bullet Club implodes as KENTA, the G1 Climax Winner, takes on IWGP Heavyweight Champion Jay White in a battle for the ages, and one that will undoubtedly go down in the history of not only Bullet Club, but New Japan Pro Wrestling.

Jay White vs KENTA
The build to this match is actually KENTA being exiled, not the other way around. White's snivelling, conniving approach to being champion is being challenged by the aggressive KENTA, who's tried harder and harder to win fairly and based on pure skill. In tag matches, KENTA stops White from calling in reinforcements, and KENTA's relationship with the Bullet Club starts to sour. By the time Wrestle Kingdom rolls around, White is actively paranoid due to his thought process of KENTA trying to usurp his throne, despite his stablemates all standing by Switchblade. White is even scared of the thought of having them at ringside in case of a betrayal, but El Phantasmo, Gedo and Taiji Ishimori insist on accompanying White, while nobody stands with KENTA.
Both men make their entrances - a clearly sleep-deprived White, desperate to come out on top in his first WK main event, alongside a sea of Bullet Club members, and KENTA, alone yet unafraid, looking like a scary motherfucker with short silver hair. His music booms throughout the arena as the crowd divides their boos and cheers for him, unsure of who to support. White and KENTA stand face to face, White removing is Bullet Club emblazoned Switchblade jacket and KENTA his G2S Club shirt, and the crowd watch in awe as the IWGP Heavyweight Title sparkles in the spotlight. The bell rings after formal ring introductions, and we are underway.
The two men lock up by one arm, hesitant to throw their weight around, but White hits an armdrag and cinches in a chinlock, laughing as KENTA struggles. KENTA manages to break free, twisting White's arm up behind him, and the technicalities continue back and forth, neither man able to break ahead. White eventually maintains control by targeting KENTA's surgically repaired shoulder, battering it with elbow strikes from a hammerlock before going for a Kimura Lock, which KENTA escapes before hitting a dropkick. White rubs his jaw as he stumbles out of the ring to catch a breather, but KENTA FOLLOWS HIM OUT AND HITS A SHOTGUN DROPKICK INTO THE BARRIER! The Bullet Club surrounds KENTA, but he stares holes through them before picking Jay up by the hair, propping him against the steel before letting loose a flurry of kicks to the chest, echoing through the Tokyo Dome. He rolls Jay back into the ring, cracking his neck before launching himself with a Busaiku Knee attempt, only for White to dodge and go for a BLADE RUNNER EARLY! KENTA REVERSES AND PUSHES HIM AWAY! KENTA charges at Switchblade, but White low bridges, sending KENTA out onto the apron, only for Jay to kick out the knee and hit a DEVASTATING DRAPING DDT THROUGH THE ROPES FOR TWO!
White continues punishing the shoulder, and KENTA is clearly at a disadvantage by now. White locks in an Americana, KENTA's shoulder nearly removing itself from its socket as he tries to fight free, finally able to kick White off and NAIL A FALCON ARROW WITH HIS GOOD ARM! White bounces up to his feet, knocked loopy, and KENTA kicks some damn sense into him as the crowd slowly start to shift their opinions. KENTA heads out onto the apron and CONNECTS WITH A SLINGSHOT LEGDROP FOR TWO! He picks White up to go for a GTS, but the Knife Pervert slips down and HITS A SLEEPER SUPLEX FOLLOWED BY A EUROPEAN UPPERCUT IN THE CORNER! KENTA is dazed, and White cackles before CINCHING IN A CRIPPLER CROSSFACE!
KENTA is in absolute agony, White wrenching with all he's got as his stablemates bang on the apron, but KENTA begins to crawl. Slowly, with one arm, he drags himself towards the ropes, and he's nearly there when WHITE ROLLS BACK OFF OF THEM INTO THE CENTRE OF THE RING! KENTA keeps the momentum going, though, and gets to a vertical base, rotating White around before FLATTENING HIM WITH A RUNNING SITOUT POWERBOMB TO BREAK! The crowd erupt for this, finally having chosen a side in this battle, and KENTA sits up in the corner, nursing his injured limb. He struggles to his feet and CONNECTS WITH A CORNER SEATED DROPKICK ON WHITE! Pulls him into the cover for two!
KENTA is worn out at this point, and he needs to get White feeling the same way. He props the champion up in the corner and unleashes a barrage of kicks in the corner, knocking the soul out of the Switchblade before hitting a snapmare and a KOUTOUBU KICK TO THE BACK OF THE NECK! He covers White, again for two, and follows it quickly with a TIGER SUPLEX! Pops into a bridge... ONE! TWO! KICKOUT BY JAY WHITE! KENTA sighs, grabbing Jay by the hair and going for a GTS, but PHANTASMO PULLS WHITE OFF OF KENTA'S SHOULDERS! The crowd voice their displeasure at this, White having been saved from a certain finish, and KENTA isn't too happy either, CONNECTING WITH A SUICIDE DIVE ON ELP! He rains punches down on Phantasmo, and then blistering forearms follow them, but WHITE CRACKS KENTA'S SKULL AGAINST THE BARRIER! He gets a hammerlock on KENTA with his bad arm behind his back, and DUMPS KENTA ONTO THE BARRICADE! THEN ONTO THE APRON! KENTA's shoulder is destroyed, and he's busted open!
White rolls KENTA back into the ring, laughing as he goes, and slowly helps his opponent to his feet, savoring every moment of his incoming victory, knowing he's the true leader of Bullet Club, and that HE'S the IWGP Heavyweight Champion. He hooks KENTA up... KIWI KRUSHER! THAT'S GOTTA BE IT! ONE! TWO! KENTA KICKS OUT! White is in a state of disbelief as the crowd erupt, and starts stomping on KENTA's shoulder and head, the blood oozing out of a laceration from the barricade shot. White picks KENTA up again as his silver hair turns red, and goes for a Blade Runner... TIGER SUPLEX BY KENTA! Charges up as White staggers... BUSAIKU KNEE! ONE! TWO! TH-NOOO! KENTA HAS WHITE DOWN, BUT IT WASN'T ENOUGH!
The Black Sun picks Switchblade up, exhausted but unrelenting, and HITS A FISHERMAN BUSTER! KENTA crawls to the ropes after hitting the maneuver, propping himself up as White does the same, and eggs White on. Jay charges at KENTA, and throws a wide punch, but KENTA BLOCKS AND SLAPS SWITCHBLADE! White is furious, and starts throwing bombs at KENTA, but KENTA knows White so well that he can avoid the hits! FOREARM BY KENTA KNOCKS WHITE HALFWAY ACROSS THE RING WITH A BACK BUMP! White rolls over, getting to his feet, and KENTA GOES FOR ANOTHER BUSAIKU KNEE, ONLY TO GET HIT WITH A POWERBOMB, RIGHT ON HIS SHOULDER AND NECK!
White locks in a Chickenwing Crossface, all the pressure on KENTA's surgically repaired shoulder, but KENTA GETS HIS FOOT ON THE ROPE AND THE CROWD COMES UNGLUED! White relinquishes the hold but grabs KENTA by the head... BLADE RUNNER BY JAY WHITE! HE HITS THE BLADE RUNNER! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO! KENTA STAYS ALIVE, AND FORTY THOUSAND ARE ON THEIR FEET! White snarls, sneers... he's furious, and he grabs KENTA's head and bashes it against the mat over and over and over again until the referee pulls him away. White charges at KENTA, but HE GETS CAUGHT WITH A DROP TOEHOLD! KENTA springs up... GO TO SLEEP ON JAY WHITE! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!
Neither man can beat the other, but both stagger to their feet, Bullet Club huddling around Jay White in the corner before KENTA RUNS IN WITH A HIGH KICK! EXPLODER OUT OF THE CORNER! KENTA goes for another Busaiku Knee, but PHANTASMO GRABS HIS ARM! KENTA DECKS ELP AND GEDO! He turns around... BLADE RUNNER ATTEMPTED, BUT KENTA COUNTERS INTO A HIGH ANGLE GERMAN SUPLEX! Hauls White up, nobody to save him... GO TO SLEEP! ONE! TWO! THREE! KENTA DEFEATS JAY WHITE! KENTA IS IWGP HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!
As the celebration starts, the crowd are overjoyed, a vast departure from their detest for the man less than an hour earlier. KENTA holds up the gold and out come the rest of Bullet Club - Chase Owens, Jado, Bad Luck Fale, the Guerillas of Destiny all come out to congratulate KENTA, but he just shakes his head. They all grab White and help him to the back, KENTA having departed from the faction and struck out on his own in this new chapter - this chapter as champion.
KENTA def. Jay White (c) to become IWGP Heavyweight Champion (40:29)

Well, I hope you all enjoyed - I know I did. Remember to STAY ELITE, and, as always... FBE F-F-F-F-FOR LIFE!!!
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yakuza 0 chapter 9 lay low video

Yakuza 0 Play through part 51 - A place to lay low - YouTube Yakuza 0 - Chapter #9 - Ensnared - YouTube YAKUZA 0 gameplay walkthrough part 32 Chapter 9: Ensnared ... Yakuza 0  Chapter 9 - YouTube Yakuza 0 Chapter 9  Yakuza Game as TV Series Season 1 ...

In Chapter 10 of Yakuza 0, Kiryu needs to lay low for a while. The now-former yakuza member has gained the attention of the lieutenants of the Dojima family, and no one wants to get involved. His search for shelter eventually leads to the homeless community in Kamurocho, which has taken residence in one of the parks. A kind-hearted man allows ... Welcome to IGN's Walkthrough for Yakuza 0, continuing with Chapter 9: Ensnared. In this chapter, you play as Kazuma Kiryu. This guide will help you Ensnared is the ninth chapter of Yakuza 0. 1 Plot 2 Objectives 3 Related trophies 4 Rewards 5 Gallery This chapter begins with the city of Kamurocho full of yakuza members searching for Kiryu. Kiryu needs to find a place to stay while he waits to hear from Tachibana. Eventually, Reina will encounter you and she offers you serenity at Serena. While resting, Reina reveals to you that the police ... For Yakuza 0 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "place to lay low chapter 9??". Yakuza 0's story is pretty linear for the most part but there's a particular part in Chapter 9 that may have you a little stumped. If you're looking for where to go in Chapter 9 in Yakuza 0 this guide will tell you where to have to go to hide and lay low. Hiding location in Chapter 9 for Yakuza 0 - PC: Hiding location in Chapter 9 ; When you return to Kamurocho in Chapter 9, you must find a place hide. However, the game does not give you any hints or map objective markers on where to go. The only hint you get when you stand still and wait for the prompt is: "I need a place to lay low until Tachibana sends word. Where, though...?" Go to the ... For Yakuza 0 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Chapter 9 help?". Hiding location in Chapter 9. When you return to Kamurocho in Chapter 9, you must find a place hide. However, the game does not give you any hints or map objective markers on where to go. The only hint you get when you stand still and wait for the prompt is: "I need a place to lay low until Tachibana sends word. Where, though...?" Go to the ... When you return to Kamurocho in Chapter 9, you must find a place hide. However, the game does not give you any hints or map objective markers on where to go. The only hint you get when you stand still and wait for the prompt is: "I need a place to lay low until Tachibana sends word. Where, though...?" Go to the Kazama Family Office to hide. Hiding location in Chapter 9 for Yakuza 0 - Xbox One: Hiding location in Chapter 9; When you return to Kamurocho in Chapter 9, you must find a place hide. However, the game does not give you any hints or map objective markers on where to go. The only hint you get when you stand still and wait for the prompt is: "I need a place to lay low until Tachibana sends word. Where, though...?" Go to the ...

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Yakuza 0 Play through part 51 - A place to lay low - YouTube

we need to find a place to get out of sight !Yakuza 0 playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfvCTrzZUu7W9qeX73xlfLhfKC8XoaSFW Tachibana and I got a lot in common In Yakuza 0 we play as Kazuma Kiryu who got himself framed for murder and now he mercilessly slaughters anyone or anything that gets in his way. In this epis... Join Us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegamingtribe/ Yakuza 0 - Chapter #9 - Ensnared, recorded in full HD. Yakuza 0 Walkthrough Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-0Zm2zo61NV0uknxqpp6TRRuR4yRnG1...

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